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Please click the link below to access the 2022 AGM Minutes.
Please click on the link below to access the MWSL 2022/23 Constitution.
Please click the link below to access the 2021 AGM Minutes.
Please click on the link below to access the MWSL 2021/22 Constitution.
MWSL January 26, 2022 Minutes
Present: Joanne VP, Dolores Equipment, Sonia Tournament Director, Lou Anne Equipment, Eva Registrar, Mary Communications, Lori President
Absent: Sukey Finances
1. Presidents welcome: welcome new committee member Eva
2. Review of 2019 AGM Minutes:
· Confirming we’re getting lock boxes for the diamonds (x2)
· Confirming the diagram of the diamond and how to place the bases: to ask John Leonard to create one and place it in the coach bags/equipment box based on their years of experience.
· Create process to obtain members consent to distribute team contact list: potentially to be added to 2023 Registration Form (e.g., a box at the bottom of the form “I consent to having my information shared with the membership of the league…”)
· Recruitment strategy: currently posting on facebook, Instagram. Potential to get into Markham Economist under free “community events” section. Additional ideas: Dolores to follow up with the city as to why we cannot advertise on their website/community centres (as we are paying to use the diamond). To post on neighbourhood community social groups, ask our sponsors if they will advertise.
· Review process of picking up players for playoffs: will follow up in 2021 meeting notes discussion
· Create an exit interview process: completed (being done by registrar)
3. Review of 2021 AGM Minutes:
· To revise “fair play” including guidance, not black and white definition (considerations provided from AGM meeting)
· Add the phrase “If a team is playing with less than 10 players in any of the round Robin playoff games, the opposing team will provide a catcher”, to the tournament rules. Add the opposing team provides a catcher, but they do not provide defensive plays.
4. Updates from everyone:
· No updates from executive
5. Season discussion:
· 8 teams/sponsors… planning league as pre-covid (Dolores will connect with jersey supplier; Lori to visit sponsor)
· Wine and cheese: April 29th, 2022 (Joanne to call Vets to firm up the venue)
· First game: May 13th
· Just for Her Tournament: June 4th
· MIST: July 9th
· Playoffs: Sept 23-25
6. 50th anniversary discussion:
· Joanne to contact Angus Glen for 50th anniversary dance (at the end of the year). Vets to be invited as well
· Meeting to be organized for end of February
· Raising money: booklets for the league (selling ads in the brochure). Handed out to league members at the MIST
o Raising prices of ads: full page, $250; qtr page $100; half page $150 (printing prices have gone up)
o Review of expenditure from 45th anniversary (prices)
o Booklets have had a theme every five years (45th book – coaches)
o New theme: memories (opportunity for league members to submit a small blurb with their favourite memory)
o Alumni game to be planned for MIST tournament
o Lou to talk with Jane Cotterill about food for MIST tournament (cost of a food truck – share with the league?)
o 8 League teams + 8 outside teams (2 alum plus Lou to contact 6 more) for MIST tournament
o Friday night: Mintleaf & Morgan; Saturday and Sunday whole tournament at Centennial
o Entry fee for MIST: $450 (money to help pay for diamonds, umpires, gifts, prize money)
o Party Saturday night of MIST
o Gifts: potentially mini bottles of champagne (50 years) with a personalized label
7. Additional information:
· Ratings have not been sent out to coaches: new players will be rated, but ratings from 2019 will stand for existing players (as shorter season, and there wasn’t a season in 2020… not true reflection of ability)
· Umpires: waiting for Bruce to place umpires
· 17 weeks of baseball, not including Canada Day
· Push email to be sent out following the meeting including:
o Registration form reminder (have any friends?)
o Volunteers for 50th committee?
September 29, 2021
MWSL Executive Meeting
Present: Sonia, Lori, Mary, Sukey, Lou Anne, Joanne, Dolores, Tanya
· Registration – some were handed in person during playoffs. Tanya to help organize the forms that came in
· Rating forms are to be handed out by Tanya to the coaches
· New rating person to be voted in at AGM
· Tanya to send receipt to Sukey for SPN fees
· Call out for any outstanding equipment to be stored
· More keys to be cut for equipment boxes
· Equipment manager and Regsitrar spots will be posted at AGM. Equipment to stay at Dolores’ brother-in-laws storage once she resigns
· Good feedback and lots of fundraising this year
· Finances: Sukey to send a screen print of finances for the year.
- Joanne to provide Sukey with list of money earned through fundraising
· Started the year at $3900 and remaining balance for this year is $9042.36 however, there are still some expenses to be tied up
· Two cheques returned to the league from previous player (2016/2017). Cheques were never cashed so books may not have been balanced in previous years. The cheques came from raising money at the MIST BBQ and were given to a player for a memorial fund. Memorial fund is still active. Executive to reach out to player this week to ensure that it’s still active and then MWSL will write cheque to player. Should have been part of balancing bank. Cheques given to Sukey.
· League to renew subscription with website. Cost in US dollars
· Domain doesn’t work online ( website address is
· Mary to look into whether registration can be done through website
· Registrar database is on a data key right now as it isn’t transferrable to windows 10. Sandy has suggested to help transition the program
· Tournament: international rule was used in one of the playoff games. International rules state that the first run in ends the game. However, this was argued by the league players because they felt they should keep playing to run up the score towards their points for/against. League to clarify that international rules (SPN) trump tournament rule.
· #6 waiting list (constitution): picking up a player for the round robin tournament – to be discussed at AGM
· AGM: October 20 at the Vets hall @7pm (60 people max). Must also be available online for people who are not double vaccinated. If people are listening virtually they have to type their comments and comments are read out. Due to limited numbers, only those who played this year in the league can register for AGM (as per rules state they must be a registered member)
· Send out information to the league to ask them about concerns they would want explored at the AGM so the executive can organize the information before the meeting.
· Any changes to rules or constitution need to be voted on at the AGM so anyone who wants to present changes should have them in draft
· Email blast to be sent out to players asking for amendments to be brought forwards by Oct 12 so they can be put on the agenda for the AGM. Send feedback to Mary :
· Screen to be set up at Vets hall so rules can be made in the moment
· Lou Anne to visit AGR for league plaque
· As long as last inning was to be started before the hour and 5 minutes, it should be played out. However, this shouldn’t be a concern next year as tournament will return to regular format with two-day permits
September 15, 2021
MWSL Executive Meeting Minutes
Lori (President), Jo (VP), Sukey (Treasurer), Sonia (Tournament Director), Mary (Communications Director), Lou Anne (Past President)
Recap from season:
· Ump complaining about league, league complaining about ump (games are long, felt uncomfortable in a couple of situations)
· One COVID incident
· Complaints about lights at Morgan: emailed city and no response, emailed parks and rec and no response. Will email Karen Ray
· Smoking incident: bantering and smoking too close to diamond. Must be 60ft from diamond
· Raffle night at vets hall was successful
Picture night on Friday night (September 17)
· If people are missing, retakes on tournament weekend
· Teams to email pictures to Mary
· Will take place at morgan and mintleaf
· Mary to post standings ASAP so schedule can be finalized after Friday
· Need 22 new balls for tournament
· Playoffs to start on the Friday night
· Umps and permits are booked
· Rainout on Saturday, permits are available for Sunday but umps may not be
· League prize money: $100 to league champs, first place in championship, $75 second and $50 third place in tournament
· Review of tournament rules (posted on website). Additional discussion points:
- No new inning after 1hr 5 mins
- Exec to hold their coaches accountable to following the time limit when the umpire calls it
- Umpires to call out start time at beginning of the game. At 1hr 5 minutes, call “last inning”
- Coaches to remind team to hustle on and off field
- Rain outs: as long as 5 completed innings, game is complete
- Even if home team is winning, they need to take their last bats
Registration forms:
- Contact Tanya to hand out on Friday night
- Lori called Cornerstone Church and capacity is 25 people
- Markham police station capacity is 25 people
- Will contact the vets hall (capacity approx. 50 people) to see prices for room upstairs
- Date: TBD
Other news:
1. Starting sept 22nd, people must prove they are double vaccinated at Vets Hall
2. Tanya to send receipts to Sukey
3. League champs and tournament champs will both get the league trophies
May 7, 2021 – Meeting Minutes
Tanya - Registrar
Dolores – Equipment Manager
Lou-Anne – Past President
Mary – Communications Director
Lori - President
Sonia – Tournament Director
Joanne – Vice-President