Westview Facilities

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Directions to Westview Baseball Fields:  https://goo.gl/maps/Q6CnosxHkXu


Portable Batting Cage

On 12/2/17, volunteers helped assemble the new portable on-field batting cage.  The original portable cage was purchased in 2002. The replacement cage was made possible from proceeds of the 2017 fundraisers (Casino Night and Letter Writing Campaign).  We would like to thank Alex Mautz, Rob West, Bob Warrington, Matt Brown, Brian Erickson, Ben Stewart, Adam Overbo, Geoff Schmid, and Mike Wahlstrom for taking time out of their busy Saturday morning to erect the portable cage.








Jake Valdez ('12), Coach Jake Brosemer ('11) and Coach Patrick Edwards spent Thursday, September 21st building a new dual pitching mound for the lower fields.  Proceeds from the 2017 Casino Nights Fundraiser were used to purchase the materials to build the pitching mound. The original pitching mounds were no longer functional.  Thanks to Jake Valdez, Coach Brosemer and Coach Edwards for taking time out of their busy schedule to build the pitching mound.

Westview Facilities Improvement Projects

Frosh/JV Lockers:  Over the span of two Sundays (2/26 and 3/5), ten Dads from all levels participated and help build the Frosh/JV Lockers.  Led by Mark Waters, the crew was able to install carpet and build 42 lockers for Freshman / Junior Varsity Teams.  This link contains pictures of the build-out activities. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzkMAY7DtG3rZGlQZ2tWUFBSR2c


Scoreboard Replacement:  The scoreboard replacement project is underway.  The original scoreboard was installed over 15 years ago when the Westview High School campus was built.  Through generous grants from public funding and private foundations, the new scoreboard will be erected in the coming week.  The following link contains progress pictures. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BzkMAY7DtG3rZGlQZ2tWUFBSR2c?usp=sharing 




Last Updated:  5/16/2016 10:05 PM

The Westview Batting Cage Project - 2015/16.  The link below are pictures, and videos of the construction progress.  Please check in from time to time to view updates.

Current:  On 5/16/16, the inspectors signed off the remaining underside work on the structure.  Installation of turf, tunnel netting and fencing to begin by middle of the week.

Activities from 4/11/16 - 5/13/16:  Rebar installed and sand put down, cement  poured mid-week of 4/18.  Wiring and lighting was completed the week of 5/2/16.  Storage container for the pitching machine was put in place.  Final roof work was also completed.

Week of 4/4/16:  Construction activities the past month included primer paint, and roof installation.  On 4/4, masonry installed for the pitching mound.

Week of 2/22/2016:  Primer coat to the steel is being applied.  Roof materials delivered.

Week of 2/8/2016:  Completed the installation of the purlins for the roof structure.  Electrical / conduits placed underground.

Week of 2/2/2016:  Purlins being installed this week.  Purlins is a substructure to which the metal panels are fastened to form the roof of the batting cage.  Electrical conduits are being installed as construction progress continues throughout the next week.

Week of 12/6/2015:  The horizontal beams were installed on 12/10/2015, you can now see the enormity of the batting cage with the roof structure in place.

Week of 11/27/2015:  Batting cage is taking shape.  Perimeter beams were installed on 11/25/2015.  Horizontal / cross beams are being constructed at Rainbow Steel and will be installed in the coming week.

Week of 11/15/2015:  Special thanks to the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors for approving the Neighborhood Reinvestment Program funding to support the construction of the Westview Batting Cage.

Week of 11/8/2015:  Additional steel beams were delivered and erected on 11/13/2015.  Several vertical beams are being built along with the cross beams by the steel company.  Once those beams are fabricated and inspected, the installation will continue in the coming weeks.

Week of 10/11/2015:  Steel beams were delivered on 10/15.  Though it was a drizzly day, the construction crew from Rainbow Steel Inc managed to erect the 14 steel beams.  There are eleven more upright beams to be delivered and installed in the coming week.

Week of 7/5/2015:  Construction crew poured cement to set the footings.  Inspectors were on site to ensure work was to specification and requirements.  Next phase - Steel beams to be installed.

Week of 6/28/2015: Construction crew prepared footings for the structure. Soils inspector conducted their inspection which passed.  Next phase - Concrete for the footings to be poured.

Week of 6/21/2015:  Construction crew removed about one foot of dirt, graded and leveled the area on 6/25 and 6/26 to prepare for the next phase of the project - footings for the structure.

Week of 5/24/2015:  Construction crew demolished the existing batting cage and cleared the area on 5/28 and 5//29.



