Rebound Aerobics
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Rebound Aerobics
What is Rebound Aerobics?
Rebound Aerobics is a low impact fat burning exercise that improves balance and coordination and it is fun and energizing! Rebound Aerobics is an aerobics workout based on a rebounder or a mini exercise trampoline. The workout consists of low level ‘healthbounces’ ,alternating leg ‘aerobic bounces’ ,and some ‘strength bounces’ where both legs leave the mat. Rebound Aerobics borrows moves from kickboxing, yoga, floor aerobics, Boxaerobics, and it incorporates some super sports specific moves from slalom skiing, boxing, and tennis.
Is rebound exercise safe?
Rebound exercise is very safe. The large over-sized springs make rebounding very low impact. A study was conducted at the University of Utah by A. W. Daniels, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor, Material Science and Engineering and Orthopedic Surgery of the University of Utah. His objective was to compare the, "impact loads transmitted by rebounding and more conventional exercise surfaces." In other words the impact of jogging on a wooden floor was compared to jogging on a rebounder.
Dr. Daniels found that, "the maximum impact force on the rebounder would only be 1/6 that of the wooden board track."
Will I fall off?
No you aren’t going to fall off. Often times when people first rebound they report a feeling of instability that makes them nervous to rebound. The feeling of instability is normal. You are standing on an unstable surface, and it takes the body time to adjust.
Is there any special equipment or clothing that I need to rebound?
Rebounding is so simple there is little that is required to achieve an effective workout, but there is a lot that you can use in tandem with rebounding for more variety or for a higher intensity of exercise.
The basics. A pair of athletic shoes. Some people do enjoy rebounding in barefeet in their own home but in the healthclub setting athletic shoes are recommended. An athletic shoe provides support across the ankle and it helps to provide traction on the mat of the rebounder. We also recommend supportive clothing, remember you are jumping
Can you train abdominals on the rebounder?
Rebound Aeroibcs also has super toning exercises designed to isolate the abs on the rebounder. When people train abs on a rebounder there are several benefits over training abs on the floor. First the tail bone is cushioned by the mat, so crunches won’t bruise the tail bone or strain lower back on the rebounder. Second you have the ability to make your abs work harder on a rebounder than when doing crunches on the floor. The reason this is true is because of the bounce. The bouncing V sit generates increased Gs across the trunk forcing the abdominal muscles to contract harder in order to control the movent of the chest and head and legs versus a crunch or sit-up executed on the floor.