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Who Must Complete a CORI Request?
Every adult associated with all organizations who may have the opportunity to have direct and unmonitored access to children is required by state law to complete the CORI certification process. (Massachusetts CORI Reform - Chapter 385 of the Acts of 2002). The first step of the process will be for all adults to properly register with Mass Youth Soccer using the new U.S. Soccer Connect Adult Registration process.
Using the above requirement of all adults who may have the opportunity to have direct and unmonitored access to children, the following individuals will be required to register:
- Coaches (all types)
- Team Managers, including designated team parents assigned team management responsibilities
- Board members (Officers, Directors, Administrators, Committee Chairs, Appointees, etc.)
- Referees (Note: All USSF Referees will complete their CORI registration through MSRC).
- Trainers (Permanent or Temporary)
- Volunteers
- Organization Employees
- Concession Workers
- Tournament Organizers, Employees, Volunteers
- And, any other person age 18 or older who may have the opportunity to have direct and unmonitored access to children
To access Massachusetts Youth Soccer's website and to learn more about their Adult Registration Process, including links to additional information, please visit their site by clicking here: MA Youth Soccer