- Welcome to all Whitman & Hanson Youth Soccer Families!
Subscribe to our NewsletterRegistration for Fall 2022 is now open. Please visit our new website: WhitmanHansonYouthSoccer.com
Good luck to all our Whitman-Hanson Teams for opening weekend Spring 2022!!
Instructional and Grade 1-2 rosters and schedules finalized
Registration closed for Instructional and Grade 1-2
Registration For Instructional and Grades 1 -2
Spring 2022 Registration is Open For Instructional and Grades 1 -2.
Our Spring Season will begin on Saturday, April 1st and run for 8 weeks, with no games on Memorial Day Weekend.
Our Grade 1 - 2 teams typically play on Saturdays. Our Instructional program will be offered on Saturdays at Whitman Middle School for players 4-6 years old. In addition - we are offering a session for 3-5 year old players on Tuesday or Wednesday mornings in Hanson.
We are always looking for volunteers! If you are interested in coaching please register below in the appropriate age group and we will reach out with details.
We ask that you register by February 15th. After this time, a late fee will be incurred for every player and you will not be guaranteed a game shirt.
REGISTER HERE - players and coaches
https://www. resendessocceracademy.com/ spring-break-camps.cfm
Spring Break Camps
Come join of one of the most dynamic and fun soccer camps in all of New England! Our popular camps are now being offered during spring break this April! Our amazing staff consists of camp directors who are some of the top youth soccer professionals in the area and are supported by additional professional youth & college coaches, as well as high level college/professional players who are great mentors for all players they interact and work with! Each day of camp, our staff will create an environment filled with FUN, high-energy skill activities & soccer competitions designed to uniquely challenge players of ALL ABILITY LEVELS (beginners, moderately skilled, AND advanced elite players)! This is a great opportunity to learn from one of the most prestigious college coaching staffs in all of New England which has been named NCAA Regional Coaching Staff of the Year for TWO consecutive years (2020 & 2021)!
Field Status
WHYS Players and Coaches,
A note that all games slated for Jaxon Field today (Gr 5/6) have been moved to the Concession Field behind the Middle School.
All games slated for the Front Field (Instructional & Gr 3/4) have been moved to previously unused field that is adjacent to the baseball fields (to the left of the baseball fields).
All other fields are open, and scheduled games will be played.
Membership Votes on Merger November 17th!
A Coaches’ meeting was held Wednesday 10/20 to present the outline of the merger of the Whitman and Hanson soccer programs. A special meeting will be held in November to vote on the new bylaws. We’ll need two-thirds majority of our membership to approve (membership is defined as all head coaches, assistant coaches, board members/volunteers, and referees 18+ within a calendar year). If we do not get approval by two-thirds majority, the merger can not go through so … let’s all remind those coaches we need their vote in November!
The Whitman and Hanson programs have been talking about a merger for years now, but a lot of people probably have not heard specifically why we are pursuing this.
Some reasons:
- Whitman and Hanson have had merged Fall Seasons for the past five years. Each season has integrated us more and more, and most kids in the program don’t know it any other way.
- Our Grade 3/4 pilot program last Spring was a rousing success, putting in 5 boys teams and 4 girls teams that were balanced and competitive in their divisions.
- Merging the programs will elevate the level of play for all grades and divisions.
- Whitman and Hanson players will play together in High School, so if we start playing together now, we’ll create stronger bonds that will last as the kids move up through the program.
- Our programs benefit from sharing of resources: human, physical, and financial. We can provide consistent communication and engagement from one soccer organization across both towns.
Photo Schedule Fall 2021
Schedule for Fall photos can be access with the following link.
Instructional was overlooked on the previous schedule and now has been added.
Every effort should be made to get your player’s photo taken as these are used to make plaques for our generous sponsors. You player picture will be taken even if you do not plan to order photos.
Order forms will be available the day of, but the easiest method is to order online at www.bishopphoto.com.
Click on the PRE ORDER NOW tab.
Our League Code Is: WhitmanFall21
In order to avoid a REORDER charge and receive your 8x10 Photo Calendar you must order before your child’s photo is taken.
Announcing Spring Travel Team Tryouts!
Please use this link for preregistration and tryouts for Spring Travel Teams (Grade 3+). Times and locations are included in this link. forms.gle/JWBt33NYE5KiNG3U9
If you can not make these times but are still interested in playing, please fill out the form, indicate as such, AND contact the appropriate division directors.
For additional info or questions:
For boys, Jamie Sousa wysboysdirector@gmail.
For girls, Meghan Fennessy wysgirlsdirector@
An in-house program for Instructional and Grade 1/2 will be offered. More info on that will come as we get closer to Spring.
WHYS Night at the Revs
We hope you're planning to join us! Come early - we'll have the Field House from 2-6, as well as the parking lot adjacent to the Field House, so we can set up for tailgating, enjoy some fun in the Field House, and go to the game. If you haven't received your ticket code yet for your registered player/coach, or if you need further assistance, please contact our NE Revolution representative, Andrew. His information can be found on this flyer.
Dates to Know
Whitman-Hanson Youth Soccer's Fall Season will begin Saturday, August 28th, 2021
Tryouts for Spring 2022 Travel Teams (Grades 3 and up) will take place early to mid-October
November 1 Registration for Spring 2022 opens