2024 NELBL Rule Book, draft v3


The New England Legends Baseball League (NELBL) shall follow and abide by standard Major League Baseball Rules of Play, except for defined modifications. The following baseball rules modifications are designed to promote fair play and minimize the possibility of injury for all NELBL teams and players. Last modified 4/18/24dc


1.     Player Eligibility

a)     All NELBL players must reach at least age 50 by the end of the calendar year to be eligible to play during that same year’s baseball season. For example, registered players may play during the normal April through September baseball season at age 49 provided they will turn 50 by the last day of December in the same calendar year.


2.     Lineups

a)     Every eligible player who shows up to play must be placed into the batting order unless the player has some injury or valid reason not to bat, and has informed the other managers prior to the game. No more than nine (9) fielders. The extra batters will be called “Extra Hitters” (EH). Players have no defensive minimum number of innings they need to play.


b)     Players arriving late to the game shall be added to the bottom of the line-up at any time during the game.

                                                    i.     Comment - All games should be managed for the enjoyment of all players.


c)     Players should not be held out of a game for competitive reasons.


d)     Any player who feels they are being denied a reasonable amount of playing time should contact the league commissioner if unable to resolve the issue with the team manager.


e)     If, during a game, a batter cannot bat due to injury or absence, they are removed from the batting order from that time. The injured players batting spot is skipped from that time forward, without penalty. A team shall not alter the batting order after the start of the game, except to add players to the bottom of the line-up. All reserve players must be placed at the bottom of the batting order.


f)      If a team’s batting order does not have 9 nine players to start the game or is reduced to fewer than nine players and there are no replacements available, that team’s manager can request to play with fewer than 9 players, or may request the use of one or more of the opposing teams players in order to prevent a forfeit game. All borrowed players must be placed at the bottom of the batting order. If opposing manager agrees to opponent playing with 8 players, the 9th spot in the lineup is an automatic out.


g)     There is free defensive substitution. This means that you can substitute defensively without any impact to the batting line-up. Substitutions should occur at the beginning of a half inning, unless a substitution is made because a player must leave due to injury, illness, or other commitment.


h)     Any team manager knowing that he will have less than 9 players available to take the field for an upcoming game may bring in temporary players from the “Reserve Players List.” That list—if reserve players are available—will be found on the league website. Reserve players must fulfill NELBL age requirements as stated in Player Eligibility above and must abide by all NELBL rules including signing the NELBL Player Participation Contract before being able to participate in any NELBL game or activity. Reserve players may fill-in and play at any position except pitcher. All reserve players must be placed at the bottom of the batting order"

                                                    i.     Comment: Reserve players should be called and asked to temporarily fill-in and play only when necessary to assure an adequate number of players for a particular game-day.


3.     Stealing/Base Running

a)     The NELBL will be using major league rule for pitchers and catcher throwing runner out at any base, so pickoffs are allowed.


b)     The NELBL will be using major league rules for all overthrows, pass balls, wild pitches, etc. that stay in the field of play or leave the field of play.


4.     Pitching Rules

a)     Reserve players who have been called upon to temporarily play for a NELBL team that does not have enough players for a particular game may not pitch in the game.

b)     A pitcher may not pitch more than 5 innings (or 15 outs) in any 9-inning game during the regular season and playoffs, pitchers may not pitch more than 5 innings (or 15 outs) in any 7-inning game. Note: Any inning that ends on the mercy rule (see Rule 8) shall be considered 1 complete inning (3 outs) pitched.


c)     Balks will now be called. We will use April for allowing one warning per team, with subsequent balks allowing runners to advance. In May we go to Major League rules for balks.


d)     Major League rules for hit batsmen, Umpire discretion

e)     Major League rules for intentional walks.


f)      If a pitcher is removed from a game in the middle of an inning, that pitcher may not return to the mound until the next inning. The pitcher does not need to remain in the field. A pitcher may only re-enter as a pitcher one time during the same game.


g)     A pitcher is entitled to 10 warm up pitches to start a game and 10 pitches between innings. A new pitcher will be allowed the same number of pitches unless entering a game due to injury during an inning.


5.     Bunting

a)     A Slash bunt is defined as when the hitter assumes the position for a bunt and then changes grip and takes a swing at the ball.  As such, Slash bunts are not allowed, and if attempted or executed it’s an automatic out. 


b)     A “Suicide Squeeze” is defined as when the runner at 3rd Base takes off for home as soon as the pitcher begins the windup to throw the pitch, and before releasing the ball.  As such, no Suicide Squeeze bunts are not allowed, and if attempted or executed it’s an automatic out.


                                                    i.     Comment: Sacrifice bunts or bunts for a hit with a man on 3rd base is allowed



6.     Game Length/Time Limit/Tie Games

a)     NELBL games shall be 9 innings in length or 3 hours in duration, whichever occurs first. 7 innings shall be 2:30 in length.


b)     No new inning shall begin after 3 hours has elapsed. For example, if a new inning starts at 2 hours 55 minutes, the new inning started shall be completed without regard to the time limit. The bottom half of the inning does not get played if the home team has the lead.


c)     In the event that an official game is tied at the end of 9 innings, the game shall be continued if there is unused time remaining. However, no new inning shall begin after 3 hours. Thus, a game can result in an ultimate tie and be recorded as such in the standings.


7.     Game Delays

a)     In the event that rain or threatening weather delays the prior to the start of the game, the home team manager makes the call, at least 90 minutes before game start. A 30-minute grace period shall be allowed without impacting the length of the game. Thus, a game scheduled to start at 12:00PM which is delayed until 12:30PM will be subject to the 3 hour time limit rule from the start of the game, or 12:30PM.


b)     After the game starts, the umpires own the outcome, delays, stoppage, etc.


c)     A game called because of rain will be considered a complete game after 5 innings or 4 and a half innings if the home team is leading.



d)     A game that has been suspended due to weather before it became an official game shall be continued at another time and place to be agreed upon by both managers. A game that has been cancelled shall be rescheduled at the next available opportunity. Rescheduling games are the responsibility of the team managers and they are responsible for finding a field. The NELBL commissioner and/or Executive Board will assist in coordinating umpires and fields. Teams will pay for any additional field or umpire costs, if any.


e)     When a suspended game is continued, it will begin from where it was suspended. The continued game may be played with any rostered players that are available for each team. It does not have to be played with the same players who were playing when the suspended game occurred.  The continued game should be played to 9 innings, unless either team has another game scheduled the same day, in which case the continued game would be played to 7 innings.   


f)      The only other exception to the time limit would be in the case of serious injury that delays a game for more than 30 minutes, e.g., delays caused by medical treatment or ambulatory services causing a delay.


8.     Maximum Runs Per Inning/Game (Mercy Rule)

a)     Each team may score no more than 6 runs max. per inning, through the end of the 8th inning, e.g.,  a team’s offensive half of an inning will end after that team has scored 6 runs in any inning prior to the 9th.   Once the game progresses into the 9th inning, the number of allowable runs scored by each team then becomes unlimited.


9.     Courtesy Runners

a)     If a player who reaches base is unable to run due to injury, or if they are the current pitcher or catcher, or 2 other named players (discussed at the Pre-game Meeting) they may request a courtesy runner. The courtesy runner must be the last player to be put out, except the current pitcher and catcher and the 2 named players are excused from acting as courtesy runners for other players. If you need more than 2 courtesy runners, or someone gets injured during the game, both managers must agree to any additional Courtesy Runners.


b)     On a hit by pitch, walk, or clean hit through the infield to the outfield, a player that had been designated on the lineup card or at the pregame home plate meeting with the umpires as a player that cannot run can simply go back to the dugout and let the courtesy runner take his place on 1st Base.


c)     The pitchers and catchers can only use the courtesy runner rule while catching or pitching. If they wish to extend the courtesy runner rule after pitching and catching they would need to be included in the 2 extra courtesy runners (non-pitchers/non-catchers) and be agreed upon by the opposing manager, if the 2 courtesy runner rule (without catcher or pitcher) is over the 2-person limit.


10.  Base Running

a)     If the ball touches the outfield grass (in the air or ground) without being fielded, no defensive player will be allowed to throw out the batter attempting to reach 1st base. However, other base runners attempting to reach any other base on the clean hit can be thrown out.


b)     Hidden ball tricks will be allowed per major league rules.  


c)     Any base running activities, collisions, interference are major league rules, and the umpires will determine the outcomes.


d)     The Catcher is not allowed to block home plate. Slide or avoid rule applies and expulsion is the umpire crew’s decision.


e)     Dropped third strikes are now per major league rules and the batter may attempt to reach 1st Base.


f)      Headfirst slides are at the players’ discretion.



11.  Equipment

a)     Rubber, plastic, or metal spikes (or sneakers) may be worn.


b)     Only solid wood bats or wood-composite bats with a “BBCOR” or “BESR” indication are acceptable. Metal and metal-wood bats are illegal and bats cannot contain any metallic components. 


c)     Pitchers may not wear white or light color long sleeves.


d)     Standard baseball batting helmets must be worn by all batters and base runners and should be in good condition with no cracks. All batting helmets should have at least one ear flap (left for right-handed hitters or right for left-handed hitters) and preferably two (2) ear flaps.


e)     Catchers must wear a protective mask with a helmet at all times while playing defensively.


f)      Teams are required to dress their players in uniform. Minimum requirements include jersey and hat. Our goal is to give players a true baseball experience.


g)     Rosin and pine tar are allowed in accordance with the MLB rule book.


12.  Assigned Umpires

a)     Two umpires will be assigned to each Legends game. It is strongly recommended that the home team manger phone and talk to both assigned umpires prior to the day of each scheduled game and get assurance that both umpires will attend. In the event of only one umpire showing up for a game, that game will be played without the second umpire.


13.  Playoff Eligibility

a)     Playoff “formats” and the number of teams eligible for playoffs has been determined by the league commissioner and the team managers at our spring meeting.

b)     Playoff format will be 2 brackets with 4 teams playing round robin tournament with the winner in each bracket playing a one game championship.  The 8th and 9th place teams in the standing at the end of the regular season will play a one game elimination prior to the round robin tournament to determine the 8th team. 


c)     Playoff games have no time limit, no ties, no mercy rules, no substitute players allowed, and same game rules as regular season.


d)     Each team manager will start a injury list by rostered players who miss games due to injuries during the regular season. Games missed due to injury will be counted as ‘Played’ games towards the 50% playoff eligibility. This injury listing must be verified by the managers and will be the method we use for playoff eligibility at the end of the season. The NELBL Commissioner will be the final arbiter for playoff player eligibility.


e)     Seeding for playoffs will be determined by team standings at the end of the regular season. Any regular season games that were postponed for any reason, MUST be rescheduled, and played before playoff seeding begins. If the two team managers cannot arrive at an agreeable rescheduled date and time, the game will be recorded as a forfeit for both teams. However, any team manager that feels they have gone above and beyond trying to reschedule the game may petition the NELBL Commissioner to reverse the recorded forfeit for their team. The NELBL Commissioner will meet with all team managers (or team representatives) to hear the petition and call for a vote by team managers who are not impacted by the forfeited game. The vote by those team managers will become the final decision on whether the forfeit(s) shall stand or be reversed for either team.   


f)      In order to break ties to seat teams at end of the regular season play, the following rules in order are used:

                                                    i.     Points, e.g., 2* points for a Win, 1 pt for a Tie, 0 pts for a Loss

                                                  ii.     Wins

                                                iii.     Winning Percentage

                                                iv.     Runs scored

                                                  v.     etc.

1.     Comment: To Be Put Forward for a Vote: If a team wins a game during the regular season while playing with one or more players from another NELBL team or teams, the winning team only accrues one (1) point for a Win, and one-half (1/2) point for a tie.


g)     All players eligible for playoffs must have the ability to play, but players may choose to bat or field exclusively without penalty. Offensive lineups can be limited to the same number of the opposing team’s batting lineup. All players must bat, but you can match the opposing team lineup and replace a sequential batting order with an “A&B” batting order.

                                                 i.     Example 1: Team 1 elects to bat a nine-batter line-up.  Team 2 may elect to bat the first six batters as per normal, but can bat the next six (6) batters in order as 7a, then 7b, then 8a, then 8b, then 9a, then 9b, e.g. each “A&B” batters in this 9-position lineup bat every other at bat throughout the game.

                                               ii.      Example 2: Team 1 elects to bat a nine-batter line-up without penalty, while Team 2 may elect to bat all available batters in their line-up.


14.  Violation of Rules/Disciplinary Action

a)     Physical confrontations, fighting, or extended verbal abuse toward anyone during a game will not be tolerated and will result in immediate ejection from the game, followed by review the NELBL Commissioner and/or Executive Board.  Further disciplinary action may be warranted, including the possibility of being suspended for additional games and/or complete banning from the league. Umpires have total responsibility on all ejections.


b)     Any Manager/Player ejected from a game for any reason, e.g., rules violation, umpire decision, etc.,  must leave the field immediately and be suspended a minimum of one subsequent game. Appeals to the Commissioner are available after receiving the Umpires Log on what transpired.


c)     Players who violate any league rules will be subject to a review of the infraction with a possibility of subsequent disciplinary action. Possible disciplinary action will take into account whether the infraction is determined to be a minor or a major offense by the NELBL commissioner and the commissioner’s selection of a committee of at least three NELBL team managers who are not directly involved in the violation, e.g., a committee of NELBL managers whose teams were not impacted by the offense.


d)     Any player who knowingly or unknowingly violates equipment rules, such as the use of an illegal bat, not wearing a batting helmet, etc. will be allowed to continue to play in the game only if:

                                               i.          The batters illegal bat is changed to a legal bat before a ball is pitched to him in that time at bat.

                                             ii.          The player is asked to put on his batting helmet and does so when asked.


e)     Any player who knowingly and deliberately violates a league rule that causes injury to another player, as determined by the umpire, shall be immediately ejected from the game and be subject to possible further disciplinary action.


f)      Any player who is a repeat offender by having violated the league rule for a third time in the same season automatically becomes subject to disciplinary action.