Day Date Time Status Score Visitors Home Venue Umpires
Thu6/6/20248:00 pm W 2-6 Quincy  South Shore Giants   Kelley Field
Thu6/20/20248:00 pm L 16-8 Woburn Nationals  South Shore Giants   Kelley Field
Sun6/23/20249:30 am L 1-6 South Shore Giants  Quincy   Garvey Field
Sun6/30/20249:30 am W 5-2 South Shore Giants  Scituate Mariners   Scituate High School
Thu7/11/20248:15 pm W 18-5 South Shore Giants  Chiefs   Bowzer Field (Clancy)
Thu7/18/20248:00 pm FFT-W 0-7 Waltham Braves  South Shore Giants   Barnes Memorial Park
Thu7/18/20248:00 pm L 9-8 Scituate Mariners  South Shore Giants   Barnes Memorial Park
Thu7/25/20248:00 pm W 22-6 South Shore Giants  HP Pirates   Kelley Field
Sun7/28/20249:00 am W 23-10 South Shore Giants  Cambridge Nine   Rindge Field
Sat8/3/20247:00 pm FFT-W 7-0 South Shore Giants  Waltham Braves   Nipper Maher Field
Thu8/15/20248:00 pm PPDN/RChiefs  South Shore Giants   Barnes Memorial Park
Thu8/22/20248:00 pm W 2-10 HP Pirates  South Shore Giants   Kelley Field
Sun8/25/202410:00 am W 13-1 South Shore Giants  Woburn Nationals   Wakefield HS
Thu8/29/20247:30 pm W 7-14 Cambridge Nine  South Shore Giants   English High School

Status:F Final Score (Visitors-Home)
W Win
L Loss (OT-Overtime)
T Tie
TBP To Be Played
CAN Canceled
PPD Postponed
SPD Suspended
FFT Forfeit
FFT-L Forfeit Loss
FFT-W Forfeit Win
N/R Score Not Reported