Day Date Time Status Score Visitors Home Venue Officials
Thu9/12/20247:15 pm W 13-12 12U MAROON CUDAS  12U RH-Mcneil   Henderson Park
Thu9/19/20247:15 pm CAN 0-0 12U MAROON CUDAS  12U Port Wentworth   Port Wentworth Mobley Park
Sat9/28/202412:45 pm CAN 0-0 12U MAROON CUDAS  12U Effingham-Pevey   Effingham County High School
Tue10/1/20247:00 pm W 0-32 12U Renegades  12U MAROON CUDAS   The Richard Gray Baseball Complex (Home Field)
Thu10/10/20246:00 pm TBPN/R12U MAROON CUDAS  12U Dawgs-Thomas   Brooks Field - Dawgs
Tue10/15/20247:00 pm TBPN/R12U RH-D. Brown  12U MAROON CUDAS   The Richard Gray Baseball Complex (Home Field)
Sat10/26/202412:00 pm TBPN/R12U TEAL CUDAS  12U MAROON CUDAS   The Richard Gray Baseball Complex (Home Field)
Sat11/2/20249:30 am TBPN/R12U Bloomingdale  12U MAROON CUDAS   The Richard Gray Baseball Complex (Home Field)

Status:F Final Score (Visitors-Home)
W Win
L Loss (OT-Overtime)
T Tie
TBP To Be Played
CAN Canceled
PPD Postponed
SPD Suspended
FFT Forfeit
FFT-L Forfeit Loss
FFT-W Forfeit Win
N/R Score Not Reported