- *** There's still time to be a Sponsor! ***
- *** Carol Majors - Coldwell Banker *** Lin Vlacich - Sotheby's ***
- *** The Howorth Family *** Farmers Insurance - Alberto Ocon ***
- *** SmileHaus Orthodontics - Dr. Karla Thompson *** The King Family ***
- *** The Matsuda Family *** ISI Translation Services *** Sarah Rogers - John Aaroe Group ***
Subscribe to our NewsletterIf you’ve reached this page you’re using an old link.
Please go into your url and type in SPLL.com to be directed to the new page. Spring 2019 registration can be found here as well.
If you have any difficulties or questions please email registrar@spll.com. We hope you enjoy the new webpage and can’t wait to get out and play next spring!
Play Ball!!
Minors Softball Teams Wins State Title - First in SPLL's History!!!
Our Minor's softball team advanced farther than any all-star team in SPLL's history by winning the state title!
We are the champions!
Registration for Summer Baseball is Now Open!
SPLL is once again offering summer baseball. There are no boundary requirements for this league.
There are 4 divisions: Minors, ages 6-9; Majors, ages 9-12; Juniors, ages 12-14; Seniors/Bigs, ages 14-18
To register, click here or click on the "Register Now!" link under the PAGES pull-down menu.
Cost for individuals is $95 (which includes a jersey, cap, and socks) and for teams $850 (bring your own uniform).
There will be 10 games over 5 weeks, two games per week, once during the week and once on Saturdays. There will be no scheduled practices.
Games will start on Saturday July 14th.
For more information, please contact Javier Luevano at javierluevano@aol.com
Play (Summer) Ball!
SPLL 2018 Baseball All Star Selection
Congratulations to the 2018 South Pasadena Little League Baseball All Star Selection!
8 Year Old Baseball
Cody Robinson, Tyler Wilson, Ronan Selsby, Thomas Kemer, Ellis Kim, Jacob Barreras, Rafi Esteva, Matthew Rogers, Diego Vega and Jacob Ghaly
10 Year Old Baseball
Massimo Durando, Trey Freking, Phil Malatesta, Samuel Wingard, Hanson Chan, Chris Cortinez, Quinn Imasaki, Aaron Kawasaki, Willem Lutz, Aiden Munoz Sylvester Quiroz, Charlie Karr, Mason Kerpan and Braydon Nakagawa
11 Year Old Baseball
David Eisenberg, Gavin Dwyer, Sam Rodriguez, Charles Esnault, Jackson Wingard, Gabriel Olguin, Gabriel Vogel, Alex Michels, Mario Vega, Charlie Vogel, Toby Pedroza, Marcus Olsen, John Bruce and Dylan Liu
12 Year Old Baseball
Phillip Ocon, Henry McDonald, Nolan Adams, Baron Lutz, Ivan Becerra, Jonathon Bracamonte, Devin Robinson Jr., Jason Yipp, Joshua Ho, Luke Riffle, Griffin Johnson, Richard Najar III, Richard Conti IV, and Calhoun Lutz
Junior Baseball
Michael Ebner, Noah Leider, Ewan Judkins, Bo Donlevy, Alex Hodis, Jude Felix, Nico Cardenas, Jack Riffle, Lucien St Vaughn, Quinn Stirling, Thomas Kano, Will Guy, Jamie Felix-Toll and Will Michels
Senior Baseball
Owen Baugham, Noah Beutler, Joseph Cassilly, Manny Chavez, Charlie Cocuzzo, Pablo Guerrero, Samuel Luna, Dillon Hugasian, Caleb Lee, Michael Lee, Justin Peters, Nicholas Schroder, Isaac Sharp, Cole Stirling and Noah Takeda-Teer
Good Luck Gentlemen!
SPLL 2018 Softball All Star Selection
Congratulations to the 2018 South Pasadena Little League Softball All Star Selection!
8 Year Old Softball
Sam Kim, Cassidy Lee, Helena Millar, Karina Millar, Paige Shanley, Olivia Alva, Grace Montoto, Juliana Montoto, Chloe Rider, Piper Whitman, Evan Taylor and Taelyn Adams
10 Year Old Softball
Marysa Ybarra, Chloe Phe, Annika Selsby, Natalie Kan, Emma Becerra, Reese Buckley, Jolene Wu, Naiya Kim, Anaya Quinonez, Rose Vandevelde and Olivia Chin
12 Year Old Softball
Sydney Lagarce, Sydney Lee, Melina Becerra, Juliana Mostert, Daphne Malatesta, Danielle Fong, Allison Lee, Audrey Anguiano, Danica Stirling, Sophia Atencio, and Caitlyn Colmenares
Junior Softball
Soleil Ybarra, Havana Flores, Frida Rojas, Zoe Hollingsworth, Haylie Zuno, Emily Vargas, Kate Buckley, Carissa Park, Olivia Ocon, Amanda Kanaly and Sarah De La O
Good Luck Ladies!
Our Challenger Team in Action Again!
SPLL's Challenger team joined Pasadena American on March 31st in Arcadia to play against Santa Anita Little League. The game was live-streamed on YouTube and had a great announcer and music! Come watch us play! Just check out our schedule here.
Keep Playing Ball!
Bring the flyer or show the image on your phone and ask for the SPLL discount!
2018 Rules and Regulation Updates
2018 Rule Changes & Clarifications! More information here.
Please review the new baseball and challenger bat standards!
A great resource for custom wooden bats is http://www.worldbaseballbats.com
Little League® to Adopt New USA Baseball Bat Standard Starting with 2018 Season
As of January 1, 2018, the new USA Baseball Bat Standard will be implemented. Little League-approved baseball bats that are approved for use for the 2017 season will no longer be acceptable for use in any Little League game or activity starting on January 1, 2018.
Little League-approved bats can be used through December 31, 2017, and our current bat regulations will be in effect until then. That includes the moratorium prohibiting the use of all 2 ¼ inch barrel baseball bats constructed with composite material in the barrel, unless approved.
For more information, including the 2017 baseball bat standard and bat lists as well as the 2018 baseball bat standard, click here.
Softball bats: The composite moratorium only applies to baseball bats with 2 1/4 inch barrels. It DOES NOT apply to any divisions of Little League Softball. Also, there is no list of approved softball bats. In softball, the bat only needs to meet the specifications of Rule 1.10 for a softball bat.
Attention Softball Community: NO parking in the business lot west of OG
Be advised that there is no parking at anytime in the business lot just west of the softball field at Orange Grove Park. Violators may be towed!!
Safety Program Registration Form
To see the 2016 Qualified Safety Program Registration Form, click here.
Sponsorship Information
South Pasadena Little League has been an established youth Baseball and Softball program since 1952. We hope that you will join us as a sponsor and help continue the tradition of this fantastic program that touches over 700 boys and girls ages 5-18 in our community!
Your membership provides the necessary funding to offer quality equipment, maintain our fields in the Arroyo and at Orange Grove, and hire qualified umpires.
SPLL prides itself on instilling the values of teamwork and sportsmanship in its players, providing a safe and fun environment for children to learn the game of baseball or softball, and promoting a healthy lifestyle. We also have a Challenger Division for children with physical and mental disabilities.
As a Sponsor, your business will enjoy significant visibility to an important and large demographic in the South Pasadena community. The packages aim to deliver recognition through various public facing channels before, during and after the season. Details are below on what each sponsor package consists of.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Thank you in advance for your consideration and for your support of South Pasadena Little League.
South Pasadena is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, run entirely by unpaid volunteers.
Bill Michels (sponsors@spll.com)
SPLL Sponsorships Volunteer
Details on Sponsoring
The simplest way to sign up and pay is through the Online Form. It only takes a minute, and we take credit cards and Paypal.
You can also fill out an this Form and mail it in.
These are the sponsorship packages offered:
Diamond Sponsor $1,000
- 4 banners - one at each of the Arroyo and Orange Grove Fields
- Preferred banner placement
- All other items listed below
Home Run Sponsor $800
- 3 banners at either Arroyo or Orange Grove Fields
- Link to business website on spll.com
- All other items listed below
Triple Sponsor $600
- 2 banners at ether Arroyo or Orange Grove Fields
- Team photo plaque
- SPLL sponsor cap
- All other items listed below
Double Sponsor $400
- 1 banner at either Arroyo or Orange Grove Fields
- All other items listed below
Single Sponsor $200
- Name on sponsor sign at Orange Grove and Arroyo fields
- “We Support South Pasadena Little League” car or store window decal/sticker
- Recognition on spll.com sponsorships page
- Inclusion in SPLL sponsor ad in the South Pasadena Review
- Mention at SPLL Opening Day Ceremonies
Why Kids Quit Sports - Interesting Article, Coaches and Parents!
From the author: "I believe there are five main reasons kids walk away from sports, and they all boil down to one common denominator: they cause kids to have a poor state of mind when it comes to sports.
- It's no longer fun
- They have lost ownership of the experience
- They don't get playing time
- They are afraid to make mistakes
- They feel disrespected
For the complete article, click here.
Volunteer Application
Dear Managers, Coaches, and Team Parents,
If you have not already done so, please fill out a Volunteer Application Form and mail it to:
President, SPLLPO Box 924South Pasadena, CA 91031This is required by Little League International for all volunteers who work with the children on teams.
You can find the form by clicking here.
Thank you.