Subscribe to our NewsletterCode of Conduct
AS A PARENT, COACH or ADMINISTRATOR, I hereby pledge to provide positive support, care, and encouragement for my child and/or the athletes in youth sports by following this Code of Conduct:
1. I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches and officials at every game, practice or event.
2. I will insist that my child and/or the athletes play in a safe and healthy environment.
3. I will support coaches and officials working with my child and/or participant athletes in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all in a sports environment that is free from drugs, tobacco & alcohol and I will refrain from their use at all youth sports events.
4. I will remember that the game is for youth participants and athletes - not the adults.
5. I will do my very best to make youth sports fun for my child and the athletes recognizing that winning is not the goal - teaching my child and the athletes the importance of team work and discipline is first and foremost. I will ask my child and the athletes treat other players, coaches, fans and officials with respect regardless of race, sex, creed or ability and I will refrain from cursing, vulgar language and any other detrimental conduct.
6. I will help my child and the athletes enjoy the youth sports experience by doing whatever I can, such as being a respectful fan.
7. I understand that there will be an admission fee to attend games at County fields on game day.
8. I understand we’re expected to perform a minimum of 2 hours of volunteer time per child enrolled in the organization that will help out my child's team. Game day is the time where we need most of our volunteers. We thank you in advance for contributing to the CFYFL.
9. I will adhere to the 24hr rule and give time to cool off before responding. I will refrain from blast emailing comments.
10. I understand and will support the leagues one time fundraiser. I understand failure to participate may result in my child being held out from games, activities and/ or playoffs.
VIOLATION:Any parent or fan who violates the Code of Conduct risks further participation of the child in the program. The procedure as follows:
• Any fan that violates the Code of Conduct or becomes a nuisance will be asked to leave and can be suspended from all team activities.
• If the fan fails to leave upon request, the child may be suspended from further participation in league activities/games...
• The league will decide the duration of the suspension or if the child will be dropped from the program. That decision will depend on the attitude of the parents.
• Any parent or fan who violates the Code of Conduct risks the future participation of his/her children in the program. Depending on the severity of the incident the league may decide to ban future participation in the program.
AS AN ATHLETE AND PARTICIPANT,I understand commitment, hard work and dedication will be required by me before I can wear the colors of the team. Being a member of the team means much more than just learning about and playing football or being a cheerleader. As an athlete, both on and off the field, I am a representative of the association and expected to act accordingly no matter what the circumstances.
1. I understand as an Athlete I am to maintain an academic standard at 2.3 (‘C+’ average) during the season or risk being benched or dismissed from the Organization. Grade checks may be performed at random.
2. I understand I am to maintain good citizenship. Fighting, misconduct, vulgar or derogatory language, cursing or disrespect, bulling, threats on social medial (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Insta-gram, etc.) can lead to being dismissed from the Organization. Any athlete who has an altercation at school or with law enforcement authorities or is observed displaying conduct (Anytime, Anywhere) below the acceptable standards of an athlete may face dismissal from the Team or CFYFL.
3. I understand Athletes are responsible for notifying their coach if they will be absent from a practice or game. Missing a practice or game will hurt both my team and may be reason for not playing in games. If I have too many absences, I may be dismissed from the team.
4. I am expected to come to practices and games prepared and ready to give 100%. An athlete may be benched at a practice or dismissed because of too many absences, not giving 100%, not knowing plays / routines or not following the rules.
5. I will treat all coaches, teammates, officials, and adult authority figures with respect At All Times.
6. I am responsible for the maintenance of my equipment and uniforms. Uniforms must be washed on a regular basis. Report all equipment problems to your coach immediately. If I lose my uniform or equipment I am financially responsible to replace it. I must wear a protective mouthpiece via tether to mask in all practices or games.
7. I agree to follow all general rules in accordance with my team and the CFYFL.