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Rockland Youth Football and Cheerleading
In addition to our regular registration form, you are required to fill out and sign this medical permission form. In the case of emergency that would require immediate medical attention, your signature on this form would allow the hospital doctor to provide care in the event that you cannot be reached.
Child’s Name & Address:___________________________________________________
Medical Information:
Insurance Information: _____________________________________________________
Policy Number: ___________________________________________________________
Local Hospital Preference: ________________________ DOB: ____________________
Family Doctor: __________________________________ Phone: ___________________
Any allergies to foods, drugs, insects, etc?
Any history of breathing problems or asthma? Do you need an inhaler? __________
Any medical condition or previous injury that may prohibit you from full participation?
Contact Numbers:
Primary Contact:
Name: __________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Home (phone): ________________________ Work (phone): ______________________
Cell: ________________________________ Relationship: _______________________
NOTE: If we are unable to contact you, please indicate the name, telephone number, and relationship of the person that you would like us to contact in the spaces provided below:
Secondary Contact:
Name: __________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Home (phone): ________________________ Work (phone): ______________________
Cell: ________________________________ Relationship: _______________________
Permission Granted:
_______________________________ _________________________ Date: _________
(Signature of Parent or Guardian) (Print)