Subscribe to our NewsletterBGLL Code of Conduct
All League participants must read, understand, and agree to abide by thisCODE OF CONDUCT:
I. Parents:
1. I understand that it is a privilege not a right for my child to participate in BGLL programs;
2. I understand that my presence and my attitude have a profound impact on my child and the program in which he/she participates;
3. I will be present and encourage my child to participate and to be positive;
4. I will allow the manager/coach/official to do their job;
5. I understand I am subject to the authority of all League Officials.
6. I will encourage my child in each accomplishment – big or small.
7. I will relax and have fun and encourage my child to do the same.
8. I understand that my relatives and significant others represent me and it is my responsibility to make sure they respect the BGLL Code of Conduct.
9. I understand that failure to abide by the BGLL Code of Conduct by me or anyone that represents my family can result in my family’s dismissal from the BGLL program.
II. Managers/Coaches:
1. I understand that each youth has the right to be treated with respect and to be viewed as a person capable of responsible, respectful behavior.
2. I understand the tremendous responsibility of instructing and the profound impact I have on the youth in my care.
3. I will treat each child, parent, and other manager/coach/official, with respect and dignity.
4. I will do my best to increase my knowledge of the program and all rules and to pass these on to the youth in the program.
5. I will learn the strengths and weaknesses of each child and do my best to give them the maximum opportunity for success.
6. I will listen and communicate with the parents, and other manager/coach/official.
III. Player:
1. I understand that it is a privilege not a right for me to participate in BGLL programs;
2. I will treat my manager/coach/official, parents, and fellow youth with respect;
3. I will cooperate with my manager/coach/official and follow any rules established;
4. I understand if I am disruptive, disobedient or disrespectful to my manager/coach/official, parents, and other youth that I will be removed from the program.