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Old Reds Drop Double Dip to Dastardly Phils, but Robinson Goes Off

May 31, 2015

It was an otherwise forgettable Sunday for the Old Reds Sunday, as they dropped two to the Fighting Phillies. There were a couple of developments worthy of mention however. First, with an individual performance of Herculean proportion, Guy Robinson had a day to remember. In the first game, he flied deep to the track, then took an otherwise dominating Warren Hanson into the parking lot for his first Old Reds home run. In Game 2, while wily veteran George Kerst was carving up OR hitters, Robinson ripped two more doubles and a single, driving in 2 more, to cap a fantastic day!

Second, the Old Reds could have mailed in the last inning of a 9-0 deficit Game 2, but fought, scratched and clawed for 5 runs to at least make what seemed like an inevitable result interesting. Hopefully that will bode well for the playoffs!

But on a day that Pacich, Grenci, Bagwell (on the mend by the way, thank Providence), and Feeney couldn't make it, Anthony Kazmierczyk stepped like a champ and threw the ball well, cutting down on the walks that had been the bane of his pitching performances so far in his rookie campaign. 

But as we enter the last weekend of the regular season, it certainly can not be a secret that we collectively will need to play better, or this post-season where everybody makes it will be an extremely brief one.