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The Reds survived a 9 inning gem from Phillie Warren Hanson to tie the Phillies 2-2, and remain undefeated on the young fall 2016 campaign. Hanson carried a no-hitter into the 7th, before Anthony Kazmerczyk broke it up with a solid single to right. He ended up allowing only four hits, but the Reds managed to scratch out a tying run in the 9th, when rookie Rob Walker lined a base hit up the middle with two outs, scoring Rich Rodriguez. The Reds staff was equally effective on the hill, with Mark Pacich, Jeff Shebovsky, Dave Bagwell and Rodriguez combining to allow only 4 hits of their own to the Phils. Pacich had the play of the game with a nice, running snag of a pop while playing shortstop. Next up are the Twins, 12:30 Sunday the 19th at Edgewater HS. Hope to see everyone there!