September 3, 2017

1. All bats will be Aluminum alloy/wood bats ONLY!
2. Catchers must wear full gear at all times.
3. Games will be 9 inning games or 1 hour and 45 min of play/weekday games will be 7 innings or an hour and 15 min time limit. 
4. Modified only (no exceptions) you do not have to have both feet on the mound/rubber.
5. Pitchers mask are mandatory!
6. League will allow two EH and DH in the line up/and a hitter for your pitcher.
7. "Only" three outfielders allowed on the field of play.
8. A pitcher cannot break shoulder, and "cannot" release breaking his wrist, nor release his pitch side ways above his waste line, with a submarine style release, nor lift the front foot.
9. No infield warm ups after the first inning.
10. Pitcher will no longer get warm up pitches/no warm pitches after the first inning
11. All teams must have matching shirts/or same colored shirt
12. players do not have to wear batting helmets but it is recommended.
13. Female players are allowed but cannot pitch.
14. Players must be 18 yrs of age and older to play.
15. We are a "NON" Clincher league/all players play at there own risk.
16. The Association will allow teams to wear matching shorts only! and only.. as part of the uniform. 
17. There will be absolutely no consumption of alcohol inside the dugouts or the field of play/nor in park property.
18. All outside alcoholic beverages are banned inside field facility area. 
19. There will be no children,family, etc... allowed in the dugouts at any time during events!
20. No other players, other teams, press, or spectators are allowed on the field during games.
21. NO FIGHTING! "physical harm" will not be allowed at anytime, to players, event staff, umpires, this will result in a lifetime suspension for any player or manager.
22. Violation of rule 21, will result in removal of players or team by local law enforcement/and further charges for assault or battery against the offender or offenders.
23. All players should be in full matching uniforms in order to play or allowed in the dugouts, "SUBLIMATION" style uniforms will not be allowed.

24. All Teams and players must register in our league website in order to play in any tournaments.
25. Violation of rule 24 will result in player disqualification/suspension from game play.
26. Team Rosters/photos must be given a month in advance in order to vent and investigate players who may not be qualified to be B class qualified to play in our tournament. (Tournaments only)
27. All teams and Outside teams must submit videos of there pitchers a month in advance for event staff and league approval, if not your pitchers will all be disqualified from competition. (Tournaments only)
28. Only pitchers who are approved by staff can pitch, and only those who are registered on your roster as a pitcher can pitch in actual games. (Tournaments Only)
29. If a pitcher is approved, there will be no arguments or debates about pitchers during games.
30. Any team who argues to umpires about qualified pitchers, will result in delay of game and time will run against you.
31. Teams will only be allowed 17 players on there team/rosters including team manager and asst manager.
32. This is a NON cash out pay league!, we reward winners with trophies, plaques, medals, rings, and t-shirts to participating teams.
33. The association will acquire a nationwide ranking system, before every tournament, and grown and updated before every event. (Tournaments Only)
34. The reason for rule 33 is to determine who is issued awards and determine place standing and official winner in case a tournament is cancelled due to rain or severe storm evening if games have been played.
35, If at any case the event is played on Saturday and due to severe weather games are cancelled on Sunday with multiple un defeated teams, any top ranked teams that have lost a game will draw a new ranking and we will post the new results due to points and runs scored by the end of the week, this will determine the winner of the tournament,and awards will be sent to the top three teams and thus determine our tournament champion.
36. Once rule 35 has been determined the association will ship out awards etc via Fed Ex to team managers to distribute to his players.
37. The ranking committee will consist of league President. Asst President, and umpires and other league directors.
38. All umpire will have there own rules meetings before every event/or every third week.
39. All tournaments will have event staff members walking around to look for rule violations and rule enforcement assistance for umpires.
40. Rules enforcement staff must be RESPECTED! just like an umpire, they are high ranked officials of the league and they have the power to stop games, an determine cancellations and suspensions at any time during the games. any violators will be removed from the field of play.

*Players that are not allowed*

1. A player must not be active on any MLB roster
2. Nor active minor league any age
3. Nor active University players, division 1 or 2,3, including Junior college, and or Ivey league
4. Nor active Caribbean league player
5. Players out of MLB or minor league three years or less
6. Active Olympic baseball players.

7. Windmill style Pitcher.

8.A player ejected for fighting or weapons assaults in other leagues.
9. Players found drunk on the field of play.

10.Known players accused of major crimes, sexual assaults,


Managers be advised and police your players from excessive arguments and taunting of umpires and other players, excessive verbal abuse of umpires will result in suspension without hesitation.


41. Pitchers are not required to put both feet on the mound.

42. Catchers must wear full gear, helmet, mask, shin guards, cup at all times, this is MANDATORY!

43. If a pitcher is ejected from a game for more then three illegal pitches that players/pitcher will be blacklisted, and not allowed to pitch throughout the whole tournament/league, nor future tournaments/leagues.

44. All pitchers for out of town of unknown participating teams must go threw a video pre-screening evaluation before the tournament, any manager fails to do so will not be aloud to enter their team into competition (tournaments only!)

45. Pitchers will be pre - screened by league officials, and tournament umpires, we will access every pitcher and give you the manager only a yes or a no answer of participation, with no further discussion, and will give managers explanation of the reasons. (tournaments only)

46. Base runners may advanced on pass balls from 1st to 2nd, 2nd to 3rd only!! ... not from 3rd to home plate!!

47. if the ball does not pass the catcher, and the catcher throws to first, and runner does not return to base he will be out, if infielder has foot on the bag only.

48. On a throw back to first, the runner cannot advance, but if ball passes the first basemen runner can advance from any base.

49. A runner can advanced if the ball is thrown past the pitcher on a throw back from his catcher, THE BALL IS CONSIDERED LIVE, bad throws from catcher to pitchers is considered a delay of game.

50. If a runner is on third base and one on first, the third base runner can only advance to home, if the catcher on a pass ball throws the ball to the outfield.

51. Runners can only advance if they return and touch the base in which their advancing from FOR RULE#49  first, if not they will be call out by the umpire for an illegal steal!

52. In this league there is no designated runners/ if a runner is critically injured and cannot run, we will allow the last batter out to run for him, but the batter is out the game officially, only your EH players, DH player or substitute can replace him, if the team has 8 players only in the line up, this game will result in a forfeit and a win for the opposing team.

53. In extra innings runners will start from second base, in a sudden death situation TOURNAMENTS ONLY!

54. In sudden Death, both teams will be allowed to play one offensive sequence, the team with the highest points will win, if both teams tie again in the 10th inning, then we will play sudden death with man on second (last out), at this point a coin will be flipped to see who bats first. Then the first team that scores will win the game. 'THIS RULE HAS BEEN REVIVED' for league summer ball 2018.

55. Playoff games are one and done!

56. Championship games are one and done!

57. Any player that's taken out of the game for a substitute will be allowed re-entry,except for the pitcher

58. All bats must say 100% ALLOY, any bats that say "COMPOSITE" will be ILLEGAL. Note: an alloy handle only bat, is NOT A LEGAL BAT!

59. The mound is 48 feet from the plate (NO EXCEPTIONS).

60. All players are consider as rec players/ unless you are active MLB, Minors, Majors or University active all divisions 1,2 or 3.

61. All pitchers who throw in the legal motion of modified will be allowed in this league.

62. Any player caught using a composite bat will be expelled from the game and also suspended for two games.

63. If an illegal bat results in a team victory, the game will result in a forfeit and the opposing team will get the victory.

64. Protest are made immediately made to the chief umpire and scorekeeper, at the time of infraction, AND MUST be submitted in writing

65. Protest must be done submitted to scorekeeper and chief umpire to be reviewed by league president with full details of the protest.

66. Once submitted the league will determine if the protest is valid, and make its decision.

67. Our official ball is the Worth Gold Dot classic utrip protac 44/375 compression ONLY for Academy sports.

68. A player must play five weeks worth of games to be eligible for play-off qualification.

69. All bats must be left outside of there prospective dugouts, for staff inspection, no player will be allowed to use and place bats in private bags after use, if you do not wish other teams to use your bat keep your bat on the gate near your dugout.

70. Any player caught using an altered bat, shaved, stuffed with tennis balls, scuffed, painted etc, will receive a lifetime suspension from the league or any of its tournaments.

71. A runner must be in contact with the base until the ball reaches the catcher, if caught otherwise the runner will be given a warning/and if repeated will be called out!

72. On a third called strike, the batter will be an automatic out! even if ball gets away from the catcher, but if there are men on base the ball is live for advancement except for a runner on third.

73.On a base on ball, if the catcher misses the ball on a wild pitch, and there is a runner on 2nd base, he can advance to third base, remember NO runners can advance from third to home at anytime except of a tag up.



these rules have been revised for a better softball experience.