Rules for Bunting


1. Only one bunt per inning.

2. Drag Bunting is now allowed.

3. You cannot square up to bunt/then swing at a pitch/this will result in an automatic out.

4. Two bunt fouls will be an out!

5. If a bunted ball hits a runner in fair territory this will result in an out.

6. Suicide squeezes are allowed.

7. A batter cannot bunt after two strikes.

8. Batter must not stand over the plate to place a bunt/if you are hit you will not be awarded a base.

9. if you square up to bunt and you are legally in the batters box you will be awarded a base/however if your hit in the fingers you will not be awarded a base.

10. During extra innings bunts will be unlimited, and can be done in any innings