Subscribe to our Newsletter2018 MAN OF THE YEAR
National Interscholastic Lacrosse Coaches Association Presents their
2018 Man of the Year Award
Baltimore, MD - The National Interscholastic Lacrosse Coaches Association will present their 2018 Man of the Year Award to George Baldassare, Co-Founder of LaxPower, at the IMLCA Convention this Saturday.
George Baldassare has been involved with lacrosse as a player, coach, reporter and lacrosse expert for almost 50 years. George came onto the national scene in 1999 when he joined the fledgling informational website LaxPower. Since then, Baldassare has been at the forefront of data, scores and stats for both High School and College Lacrosse, keeping the game “top of mind” in a crowded sports landscape.
“NILCA is honored to have named George as our 2018 Man of the Year,” said Ren Pettinelli, President of the National Interscholastic Lacrosse Coaches Association. “Baldassare has been a consummate professional his entire career, from his early coaching career to co-founding LaxPower. George was able to do more for the growth of our sport nationally, through the use of his “statistical tool,” than anyone one of us could have ever imagined.”
NILCA was formed to provide dedicated service to high school lacrosse coaches throughout the United States. NILCA seeks to identify and provide solutions to issues raised by men’s high school lacrosse coaches. NILCA conducts its annual meeting in association with the IMLCA Convention
For additional information, please visit our website at www.hslacrossecoaches.com or contact:
Ren Pettinelli