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Return of hope

With a starting OF of Piotrowski in left, Blevins in Center and Robinson in right, a few others in unfamiliar positions, and the return of a guy who hadn't thrown a pitch in a year and a half, the Red Nine weren't brimming with hope. But fate smiled on this bunch Sunday, and Mark Pacich was simply remarkable. He struck out 13 Mets in a Complete Game effort on the hill, and threw in a 2-2 performance at bat. The Mets hurler Mr. Heath was dominant and struck out 10 Reds, but the home team was one better in the column that counted most, and a faint ember burns in the heart of the Red faithful. Adam Bocken went the distance behind the plate in a game that featured an uncountable number of pitches. The Reds play at the stadium in Clermont on Sunday, against an A's team who seldom put up less than a dog fight, so the Reds will have to be at their very best to compete.