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RED card clarification...
In 2012 the Soccer Supervisors added a new rule for which clarifies our policy on RED card suspensions.
Our rules are clear when a player or coach is RED carded, that person may not play or coach while serving his or her 2 game suspension.
While suspended that person is not allowed to attend any games or be present at any of the fields.
If that player or coach receives a second RED card he can on longer play or coach this summer.
RED cards carry over into next summer until that player or coach serves his or her 2 game suspension.
Additional RED card clarification...
We must also make it very clear that this policy includes all Town of Brookhaven soccer games and activities.
For example...
If a coach is RED carded while coaching a JV team in any of our leagues he or she is not allowed to coach a Varsity team in any of our leagues.
If a varsity coach or summer coach's name appears on a boy's roster and a girl's roster ...
he or she is not allowed to coach or be at any game sponsored by Brookhaven Soccer while serving the 2 game RED card suspension.
This is simple common scense and unifies our goal to create a safe and respectful summer soccer program.
New RED CARD Rule ...
The Soccer Supervisors have implemented a new Town of Brookhaven soccer rule which will supercede the High School Federation rule book.
Effective Immediatelly...
Referees who officiate Town of Brookhaven sponsored soccer games will now be allowed to issue 2 RED cards to a player or coach in the same game.
This rule covers all High School boy's varsity and JV matches and all High School girl's varsity and JV soccer games.
This rule will be mailed or emailed to all coaches that are involved with our programs.
It is also posted here and on the rules page of this web site.
It will be published in all future Town of Brookhaven soccer rules sheets.
This rule will give the Soccer Supervisors ...
the authority to suspend a player or coach for the remainder of the summer if he/she receives 2 RED cards in the same game.
It must also be noted that if this happens near the end of the summer season the player or coach MUST be suspended for no less than 4 games.
His/her penalty may carry over into the next summer soccer season.
Please explain this rule to all players, parents and summer coaches.
Points of clarification ...
Any coach who is RED carded must leave the bench area.
If there is no assistant coach or "fill-in" coach the game will end.
A forfeit will be awarded to the opposing team no matter what the score may be.
This includes games that may only be in the first half of play.
This includes all boy's varsity, girl's varsity and JV games.
High School boys & girls players who are RED carded may remain on the bench area.
He or she will be subject to a additional cards.
His/her coach may also receive a card if additional in-appropriate behavior is deminstrated.
RED card clarification ...
As of 2013 there will no longer be a "soft" RED card.
In the past, a "soft" RED card was issued when a player received his/her second Yellow card.
That player was RED carded and ejected but the team did not have to play a-man-down.
Starting with the 2012 if a player receives 2 Yellow cards he/she will be RED carded, ejected, and his team will play a-man-down.
Now a "straight" RED card and 2 Yellows cards will all be treated equally.
The player will be ejected and his/her team will play a-man-down.
If further clarification is needed please contact a Soccer Supervisor.