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Northland Baseball Classic- Pitching Form
Pitcher(s) Total Innings Cumulative Tournament Innings (If applicable)
- _______________________________________________
Umpire(s)1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
*** Forms, or game scorecard, should be filled out and signed by the umpire after each game. After each game, the game oofficial will give each game card to the tournament registration table for record.
Tournament Pitching Rules:
Pitching / Base Distances:
9U/10U/11U: 46 Feet / 60-65 Feet
12U/13U: 52 Feet / 75-80 Feet
14U: 60 Feet, 6 inches, / 90 Feet
Pitching Restrictions:
To preserve the longevity of our portable pitching mounds, Metal Cleats are not allowed. However, they can be worn in the field at the appropriate levels.
Pitching Rules: Innings allowed for the Northland Baseball Classic Tournament through first 4 games played:
-9's = 6 innings
-10's = 6 innings
-11's = 6 innings
-12's = 6 innings
-13's = 7 innings
-14's = 7 innings
-15's = 8 innings
*Each player on the roster gets (1) additional inning per game played starting in a team's 5th game played, 6th=1 more inning, 7th=1 more inning, etc...
*No limit on number of appearances.
*A mound appearance resulting in any single pitch (warm-up pitch or game pitch) being thrown or a play will be considered an inning pitched. One pitch constitutes an inning.
*Eight warm-ups to start, five thereafter. Umpires reserve the right to limit the warm-up time to a minimum of 1 minute regardless of the number of pitches thrown.
*If pitching rules are violated and the infraction is detected, the situation will be reviewed and a MINIMUM of the head coach ejection will be enforced. Additional consequences may include the player ejection from game, player and head coach from the tournament, forfeiture of game and elimination of team from the event.
*Scorecards must be signed by both team managers to eliminate inning validation problems. (Managers, please help with this process.)
Curveballs are not allowed at the 9U level. First offense: Warning. Second offense: Ejection from the pitching position and recorded as 60 pitches thrown.
Starting pitcher: For all ages - The starting pitcher may be withdrawn from pitching and allowed to re-enter once per game. This applies only to the starting pitcher. Relief pitchers may not re-enter as a pitcher.
Northland Baseball trusts and respects the integrity of the youth coaches, managers and believe these rules will be followed. In the event of a discrepancy, a tournament official will intervene and resolve the matter.