2024 - 6 Classifications will continue in New York State


2024 NYSPHSAA Classification Numbers


 New York State Public High School
        Athletic Association Soccer
            Classification Numbers





 NYSPHSAA 2024 Classification Numbers

           Class-AAA ... High Schools with ... 1090 or more students
.... High Schools with ... 711 and 1089 students

Class-A ..... High Schools with ... 412 and 710 students
Class-B ..... High Schools with ... 249 and 411 students 
Class-C ..... High Schools with ... 138 and 248 students

Class-D ..... High Schools with ... 137 or less students

                6 Classifications will continue in 2024

* It must be noted that the Classification Numbers are now Sport and Gender specific.
  The girls soccer numbers are different than the boys soccer numbers.
  The wrestling numbers will be different than the boys tennis or girls basketball numbers.
  The numbers are determinded by the number of teams in New York State that play that particular sport. 

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History ...
The NYS Soccer Chairmen voted on April 5, 2022 to format boys soccer into 6 Classifications starting in the fall of 2023
The vote was unanimous as all eleven Section Chairmen were all on-board to leave the 5 Classification format.
The 6 classifications will be ... Class-AAA, Class-AA, Class-A, Class-B, Class-C & Class-D

DIVIDED into SIX ...
Another important change is how the NYS classification numbers will be determined.
In the past every High School in
NYS was tossed in one pot.
Then the total number was divided into 
five, 20%, 20%, 20%, 20% and 20% to determine Class-AAA, Class-AA, Class-A, Class-B, Class-C & Class-D
In 2023 the
classifications will be divided differently.
Each sport will have its own numbers.
In boys soccer they will 
eliminate all the schools in NYS that don't play boys soccer.
Then the largest 75 teams will be placed in Class-AAA
Then the number left in the middle will be divided equally by 4 to form Class-AA, Class-A, Class-B & Class-C
The bottom 100 teams will be placed in Class-D
This will give each sport, including boys soccer, a true classification divide.

Section-XI, Suffolk County, will follow by using the same formula.
* New school BEDS numbers will be available next October for the 2023 soccer season.

Girl's soccer in New York State ...
              April 6, 2022
The NYS Girls Soccer Chairmen have also decided to move to 6 Classifications in 2023

The girls will also change their overtime procedure to image the boys, using "Golden Goal" overtimes instead of two "Must Play" periods.

State Championship Consequences ...
Section-9 will host the State Championships for the next two seasons: 2022 & 2023
In 2023 Section-9 will need to adjust to the new 6 classification format which will add 4 additional teams.
Section-9 will need to provide enough fields, hotels and everything else that makes the Championship run smoothly.
NYSPHSAA staff and the Section-9 Chairmen said they will make sure everything will be in place for next fall 2022 and the 2023 season.
The 2023 season will have 24 teams travel to 
Middletown and 6 New York State Champions will be crowned. 
Along the same line, Section-XI will crown an additional Suffolk County Class Champion in 2023

* New venue bids for the state championships will be open for the 2024-2025-2026 soccer seasons.
