Bateaux Dominates, Union and Lobos Sneak By

Game Results

Lobos FC 4 : Barron Soccer Team 3 | Lobos FC won a closely contested match against Barron this week, squeaking by with a 4-3 win. Lobos opened the scoring early with Christian Granillo netting a 3rd minute goal. Barron's Abdella Chaktouri answered with two goals of his own in the 9th and 15th minutes. Lobos FC regained the lead with two more goals by Granillo in the 22nd and 31st minutes. Barron tied the game at the 45th minute with Abdullahi Aden scoring. Granillo scored his fourth goal in the 73rd minute to secure the win for Lobos. Lobos outshot Barron 15-12 with Francisco Moreno earning the win in net.

Union Eau Claire FC 3 : Poskin Jets FC 2 | Union Eau Claire avoided a scare by Poskin Jets FC with a narrow 3-2 win. Poskin Jets scored in the 2nd minute when Sevenson Xiong converted a penalty kick. Union responded with goals by Lu Shi Xiong (7', 15') and Lucas Zumwalt (31') to take the lead into halftime. Poskin's Xiong again scored in the 85th minute but could not complete the comeback. Union outshot Poskin 14-7 during the game, with Union's Trenton Thompson earning the win in net. 

Bateaux FC 15 : Spartan FC 1 | Bateaux smoked Spartan FC in a goalfest for the Eau Claire side, winning convincingly 15-1. Bateaux's seven first half goals came from Dalton Hoepner (6'), Gage Espanet (11', 18'), David Ripplinger (14', 23') and Dylan Burk (25', 36'). Spartan FC scored in the 45th minute, before Bateaux closed out the game with a 8 goal second half, with Kyle Bushendorf (48'), Elliot Solberg (51'), Erickson Tepole (53'), Jeremy Goodrie (63'), Burk (74'), Ripplinger (80'), Evan Smith (84') and John Lopez (88') scoring for the squad. Bateaux outshot Spartan 28-4 with Ed Nelson earning the win in net. 

Three Stars of the Week

⭐⭐⭐ Christian Granillo (Lobos FC) – Granillo scored all four goals for Lobos in a thrilling 4-3 win over Barron Soccer Team

⭐⭐ Gage Espanet (Bateaux FC) – The Bateaux winger attributed 2 goals and 2 assists in a 15-1 thrashing of Spartan FC on home turf

⭐ Sevenson Xiong (Poskin Jets FC) – Xiong scored both goals for Poskin as the Jets nearly upset current league leaders Union EC FC

Power Rankings

1 Union Eau Claire FC (4-0-0) ↔️

2 Lobos FC (2-0-0) ↔️

3 Bateaux FC (3-1-0) ↔️

4 Hayward Wolfpack FC FC (2-1-0) ↔️

5 Barron Soccer Team (0-3-0) ↔

6 Poskin Jets FC (0-3-0) ↔

7 Spartan FC (0-3-0) ↔