Hayward Finds Important Win, Lobos and Eau Claire squads win big

Game Results

Hayward Wolfpack FC 5 : Union Eau Claire FC 3 | Hayward hosted Union Eau Claire in a crucial matchup between two squads on the outside of the championship race, looking in. Hayward’s Mally Lumsden opened the scoring in the 7th minute. Union’s Lucas Zumwalt tied the game up in the 13th minute. Hayward then scored two goals, netted by Ken Pryde (29’) and Lumsden (33’) to lead into the half. Minutes into the second half, Hayward’s Riley Brennan saved a penalty kick to keep the lead. Lumsden picked up his hat-trick in the 59th minute to extend the lead for Hayward. Union’s Zumwalt scored two goals (70’, 78’), mounting a potential comeback for the Eau Claire-side, but Hayward’s Finigan Huffington scored in the 87th minute to secure the win. Hayward outshot Union 15-12 with Hayward keeper Riley Brennan earning the win in net. 

Lobos FC 10 : Spartan FC 0 | Lobos traveled to Sparta with 9 players, but came home with a blowout win. Lobos scored three first half goals, with Abraham Camargo (17’), Kevin Xiong (37’) and Alan Martinez (40’) finding the back of the net. The floodgates opened in the second half, with Lobos tallying seven more goals from Xavier Yang (49’, 78’, 83’), Martinez (64’, 76’), Xiong (80’) and Camargo (89’) to gain three points. Lobos outshot Spartan 26-4 with Lobos keeper Willie Bialecki earning the shutout win in net.


Lobos FC 15 : Spartan FC 1 | In the second game of a doubleheader, Lobos had a 10 player roster in a rout of a struggling Spartan squad. Lobos started the scoring from the get-go and didn’t let up, scoring seven first half goals from Xavier Yang (3’, 23’, 28’), Yovani Dominguez (15’), Kevin Xiong (18’), Alan Martinez (32’) and Abraham Camargo (36’). Spartan’s Devin Kendhammer scored in the 60th minute but the barrage didn’t let up in the second frame, with Lobos goals coming from Yang (65’, 80’), Luis Mendoza (74’), Camargo (76’, 78’, 89’), and Martinez (81’ (PK), 89’) to secure the blowout win. Lobos outshot Spartan 30-6 with Lobos keeper Willie Bialecki securing the win in net. 


Bateaux FC 7 : Poskin Jets FC 0 | Bateaux traveled up to Barron to take on Poskin Jets, returning home with a lopsided shutout win. David Ripplinger opened the game’s scoring for Bateaux with two goals in the 15th and 32nd minutes. Gage Espanet expanded Bateaux’s lead into the half with a 40th minute goal. The Eau Clarie-side secured the win with four second half goals, coming from Elliot Solberg (48’), Ripplinger (55’), Espanet (63’) and Jeremy Goodrie (77’). Bateaux outshot Poskin 17-4 with Bateaux keeper Jonathan Mullaly earning the shutout win in net. 


Union Eau Claire FC 8 : Poskin Jets FC 1 | Union picked up a win after a gritty performance from the Jets. Eau Claire scored right out of the gates, with Lucas Zumwalt finding the net in the 6th minute. Union added a second when Alhagi Juma smacked one home in the 41st. Poskin found an answer in the 62nd minute with Estaban Rivera credited for the goal. Despite holding onto hope through almost 70 minutes, Poskin would find themselves sinking. The Eau Claire side scored six goals in the last quarter of the match, finding tallies from Kerr Xiong (67'), Lu Shi Xiong (75'), Herbert Weston (77'), Zumwalt (83'), Juma (89') and Matthew Folden (90') to drive back down HWY 53 with three points. Union outshot Poskin 23-4, with Zach Holmstrom earning the win in net.


Lobos FC 3 : Barron Soccer Team 0 | Lobos were awarded a 3-0 forfeit win over Barron Soccer Team, due to Barron's withdrawal from the 2022 season.


Three Stars of the Week

⭐⭐⭐ Lucas Zumwalt (Union Eau Claire FC) – The Lansing, MI native scored all 3 of his team’s goals against Hayward and added 2 goals and an assist against Poskin Jets FC.

⭐⭐ Xavier Yang (Lobos FC) – Yang compiled 8 goals and 4 assists in two games for a shorthanded Lobos squad while playing Spartan FC. 

Riley Brennan (Hayward Wolfpack FC) – The Dakota Wesleyan University commit saved a Penalty Kick and recorded 9 saves in a crucial 5-3 win over Union Eau Claire FC. 


Power Rankings

1 Bateaux FC (8-1-0) ↔️

2 Lobos FC (8-1-0)↔️

3 Hayward Wolfpack FC (7-3-0) ⬆️

4 Union Eau Claire FC (7-3-0) ⬇️

5 Poskin Jets FC (3-7-0) ↔️

6 Barron Soccer Team (1-11-0) ↔️

7 Spartan FC (1-9-0) ↔