Subscribe to our Newsletter2024 MMSPL League Rules
MMSPL follows the SPN rulebook with the following exceptions:
- 5 run mercy per inning
- Mercy rule of 15 runs after 4 innings, and 10 runs after 5 innings
- In the Thursday Masters divisions (both Int and Rec) there are unlimited courtesy runners
- Runners must be masters age (35 years as of December 31, 2024, or older)
- The same courtesy runner cannot be used in the same inning
- In all divisions EXCEPT Thusday Masters divisions (i.e. Tuesday and Wednesday divisions)
- Three (3) courtesy runners per game
- The same courtesy runner cannot be used in the same inning
- Minimum of 8 players to start a game
- Late/new players are added to the bottom of the lineup, even if the batting order has batted around
- Injured players leaving the game are not an out in the batting order, but cannot reenter any games on the same day
- Unlimited home runs
- No tagging beyond the commitment line
- Flip flop rule
- Uniform rule in effect on June 1, 2024 (teams must wear matching tops)