The weather can be variable and we are ALWAYS monitoring it closely. We have a cancellation/communication system in place accordingly. 

First: "NO NEWS" means that the practice/games are still "ON" - please SIT TIGHT and DO NOT reach out to the league about it - we will let everyone and/or the managers know the plans as needed. 

Secondly, the turf drains quickly and efficiently - therefore, we DO NOT automatically cancel an event after a storm or when there is light "drizzle" - it is always on a "TBD basis" and the administration will make "the call."

Third: In the case of inclement weather, we DO NOT typically make "the call" until mid-late afternoon (especially for games), unless it is a massive storm or circumstances that we can easily predict in advance and then we *may* cancel earlier in the morning hours. The main takeaway is that we often "wait it out" before making a cancellation. 

Lastly: In circumstances when a cancellation is team dependent, we will only inform the manager(s) AND/OR team(s) impacted about the plans (e.g., the 8:30 am Saturday game may get canceled due to rain BUT the 10:15 AM game remains "ON" after the weather clears up, etc)

*Cancellation Process:

1) The administration informs the team managers ➡️ 2) Team Managers will inform their families about the cancelation 


3) If a cancelation impacts the entire league/division, the administration may send a league-wide note to everyone (TBD); in that case, managers should always follow up with their teams to make sure everyone received the message/plan. 


Depending on the timing of a cancellation, the schedule on TS/website may NOT always reflect the change - therefore, you should always keep a lookout for updates/notes from the league and/or your team managers in the case of inclement weather and follow along that way. 

When in doubt, contact your team manager with questions. 


*Other Cancellations: 

Occasionally, the team manager may have to cancel a practice due to low attendance or other unforeseen conflicts - in that case, the team manager should 1) notify the league about the cancellation AND 2) inform their families about the plan.