Subscribe to our NewsletterSCORE SUBMISSIONS & STANDINGS
Final Scores will be submitted to Becky by the umpires. The umpire should be confirming the final score at the games end, if there is an error, please contact Becky 203-228-9812 by text.
The standings will be updated at least once a week, possibly more as we get closer to the playoffs or as make-up games are completed if needed.
A forfeit prior to the game start is recorded as a 7-0 win for team not forfeiting.
A forfeit on the field for ejection, illegal player, etc. leading to not having enough players to continue at any time is recorded as a score of 7-0.
Standings. Will be updated as final scores are entered. If the winning team is wrong, please contact Becky and she will confirm with the umpire and update as needed.
The top 4 teams by win/loss record will normally make the one-night single elimination playoff.
4 v 1 and 3 v 2 format with the 2 winners meeting for championship – all same night.
Tie Breaker The end of season tie breaker to determine playoff seeding is ……
1. 'Runs allowed' if two teams have the same win loss record and have played each team the same number of times. **If 3 team ties, runs allowed vs the other 2 teams will be used.
2. Coin flip if there still is a tie after above rule, the coin flip will determine seeding. So please treat every game like it’s a playoff seeding game.