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Published by the Daily Gleaner: Wednesday | December 20, 2006
Sponsored by the Olympic Solidarity Fund through the Jamaica Olympic Association, the Jamaica Volleyball Association convened a Level II Volleyball Coaching Course at G.C. Foster College during the period December 4-17, 2006.
Seventeen persons sat the course, including an Englishman, Luke Douglas, but it was O’Neil Ebanks who finished top of the class, followed by Rupert Fearon and Steve Davis. The lone female coach was Suzette Baker.
"It means great things for volleyball in Jamaica because previous to Sunday, we only had one Level II coach now we have 14, one for each parish," Pat Garel, president of the Jamaica Volleyball Association told The Gleaner yesterday. "We have great plans for all of them including schools and clubs in some way, shape, or form in the programme. It is JAVA's vision to have all local coaches certified by the end of 2007," added Garel.
The two expert instructors provided by the International Volleyball Federation, Dr. Tahar Boukef from Tunisia and Mr. Jose Luis Santana Lugones from Cuba, conducted the course which officially concluded on Sunday with an awards ceremony at the Courtleigh Hotel in New Kingston.