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Gabor Sallay from Hungary in the middle

April 13, 2004
21 year old 6"11 center Gabor Sallay of Hungary could be a Regulator for the 2005 season the team is looking to close up it's weakness'es and the center position is one that is going to be fix"ed before the 2005 season team scout Tom Robinson said he is a solid player that could help we are needing to fix holes in our system and we will start by getting a much needed center.The power forward and point guard positions will be taken care of as well we have a good group of players that play big but we need for these positions to be solid for our triangle to hit it's full potential on offense while Gabor is not the only center we are looking at he is high on the list of 5 we are going to go after and a 7"0 has just come to our attention that we will take a look at he is 21 years old and lives in the local area so we will take a close look at him this summer.