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When you register, please provide your SMS / Text message address (if you have one). This will allow us to provide updates for any time senstive news especially meet day and weather issues. We'll only use this method of communicating with you under these urgent circumstances.
If you aren't sure of your SMS or Text message address, we've provide the more common carrier's below:
T-Mobile: phonenumber@tmomail.net
Virgin Mobile: phonenumber@vmobl.com
Cingular: phonenumber@cingularme.com
Sprint: phonenumber@messaging.sprintpcs.com
Verizon: phonenumber@vtext.com
Nextel: phonenumber@messaging.nextel.com
T-Mobile: phonenumber@tmomail.net
Virgin Mobile: phonenumber@vmobl.com
Cingular: phonenumber@cingularme.com
Sprint: phonenumber@messaging.sprintpcs.com
Verizon: phonenumber@vtext.com
Nextel: phonenumber@messaging.nextel.com