Welcome To Centertown Recreational Park

"For All Ages"


2024 Centertown Adult Co-Ed League "A Great Season"


Season and Playoff Champs: Dennis Gann Plumbing and Electric (Overall Record 9-1)


Season and Playoffs Runner-Up: Scared Hitless (Overall Record 7-3)

Playoffs Top Hitters (2 Games Each)
1. Jessie Young (DGPE) .750
2. Haleigh Harrell (SH) .625
3. Raleigh Johnson (SH) .571
4. Brittany McNair (DGPE) .500
1. Tyler McCormick (CM) .888
2. Ron Wagoner (CM) .777
3. Hunter Jones (SH) .750
Wes Wilson (SH) .750
Jacob Taylor (DGPE) .750
4. Jacob Bain (JBL) .714
5. Jake Rains (CM) .666
Caylon Driver (CM) .666
Bobby Dillon (JBL) .666
Lynn Gann (DGPE) .666

Adult Co-Ed All League Players


    MVP Players: Kyle Thompson and Haleigh Harrell

Playoff Games

Gold Cup Playoff Games
Monday, August 5
Game 1- Scared Hitless 11- Centertown Mudcats 10
Boxscore 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Final Total Hits
Centertown Mudcats 3 0 2 2 0 2 1 10 19
Scared Hitless 1 1 0 0 0 7 2 11 18
Highlights: Centertown Mudcats had the lead 9 to 2 going into the bottom of the 6th
inning, Scared Hitless got the bats going in the bottom scoring 7 runs to tie the
score up 9 to 9. Mudcats took the lead back in the top of the 7th inning by 1 run
(10 to 9), On 2 outs in the bottom of the 7th inning Scared Hitless put 2 runs on
the scoreboard to win the game.
Centertown Mudcats Scared Hitless
Player Name At Bat Hits Home Runs Player Name At Bats Hits Home Runs
Jake Rains 4 3   Haleigh Harrell 4 1  
Caylon Driver 4 3   Asa Robertson 4 2  
Austin Mast 4 2   Hunter Jones 4 3  
Danielle Miller 4 2   Wes Wilson 4 2 1
Dalton Hillis 4 2   Rheigh Johnson 3 2  
Tyler McCormick 4 3   Matthew Vandagriff 3 1  
Ron Wagoner 4 3   Will Prater 3 2  
Marielly Sanchez 4 1   Adam Anderson 3 2  
Out In Line-Up 4     Callie Pack 3 1  
        Jared Sain 3 1  
        Jeremy Pack 3 1  
Game 2- Dennis Gann Plumbing & Electric 18 -JB Leftovers 10
Boxscore 1 2 3 4 5 6 Final Total Hits
JB Leftovers 4 0 2 0 4 0 10 13
Dennis Gann P&E 10 2 1 0 5 X 18 24
Highlights: JB Leftovers score 4 runs top of the 1st as Dennis Gann P&E
came in to score 10 runs in the bottom of the 1st to take the lead 10-4.
JB Leftovers cut into the lead in the top of the 5th inning by 3 runs
by scoring 4 runs, until Dennis Gann P&E score 5 runs in the bottom of
the 5th the open the lead back up to 8 runs.
JB Leftovers Dennis Gann Plumbing & Electric
Player Name At Bat Hits Home Runs Player Name At Bat Hits Home Runs
Bobby Dillon 4 3   Jacob Taylor 4 4 1
Jeremy Barks 4 2   Richard Felty 4 2  
Libby Barks 4 1   Jessie Young 4 4  
Ethan Matthews 3 1   Kyle Thompson 4 1  
Jacob Bain 3 2 1 Houston Youngblood 4 3  
Shayla Bain 3 1   Brittany McNair 4 3  
Hunter Walker 3 2   Brandon Basham 4 2  
Justin Jennings 3 1   Lynn Gann 4 2  
Ashely Dillon 3     Heather Gann 4 2  
Clayton Jones 3     Spencer Thompson 4 1  

Tuesday, August 6
(Consolation Game-3rd Place) Centertown Mudcats 19-JB Leftovers 9
Boxscore 1 2 3 4 5 6 Final.Total Hits
JB Leftovers 4 0 4 1 0 0 9 14

Centertown Mudcats 7 5 2 2 2 1 19 24
Highlights: JB Leftovers started the top of the 1st inning scoring 4 runs as the
Mudcats put up 7 runs to take the 1st inning. After the 2nd inning Mudcats went
up by 8 runs 12 to 4, JB Leftovers came within 4 runs (12-8) by scoring 4 runs
in the top of the 3rd led by Jacob Bain hitting a 3 run homer. The Mudcats came
in the bottom of the 3rd to put up 2 runs to get
it back and never look back as
the final was 19 to 9 by run rule.
JB Leftovers Centertown Mudcats
Player Name Official At Bat Total Hits Home Runs Player Name Official At Bat Total Hits Home Runs
Bobby Dillon 5 3   Jake Rains 5 4  
Jeremy Barks 5 1   Caylon Driver 5 4  
Libby Barks 4 4   Austin Mast 4 3  
Ethan Matthews 4 1   Danielle Miller 4 1  
Jacob Bain 4 3 1 Dalton Hillis 5 3  
Shayla Bain 3     Tyler McCormick 5 5  
Hunter Walker 3 2   Ron Wagoner 5 4  
Justin Jennings 2     Marielly Sanchez 2    
Ashely Dillon 2     Out In Line Up 5    
Clayton Jones 3            

Championship Game) Dennis Gann Plumbing & Electric 18-Scared Hitless 15
Boxscore 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Final Total Hits
Scared Hitless 1 0 4 3 1 6 0 15 23
Dennis Gann PE 1 4 3 5 2 3 18 25
Highlights: After 1 inning of play game was tie 1 to 1. After 3 innings of play
Dennis Gann PE had a 3 run lead 8 to 5. Top of the 4th Scared Hitless tie the
game 8 to 8, but Dennis Gann PE came in the bottom of the 4th and score 5 runs to
go back on top 13 to 8. Scared Hitless had a strong top of 6th inning scoring 6
runs but was shutout in the 7th as Dennis Gann PE came up with the win 18 to
Scared Hitless Dennis Gann Plumbing and Electric
Player Name Offical At Bat Total Hits Home Runs Player Name Official At Bat Total Hits Home Runs
Haleigh Harrell 4 4   Bubba Lee 5 3 1
Asa Robertson 4 1   Jacob Taylor 4 2  
Hunter Jones 4 3   Bree Lee 2 2  
Wes Wilson 4 4 1 Richard Felty 4 3  
Rheigh Johnson 4 2   Kyle Thompson 4 3  
Will Prater 4 3   Jessie Young 4 2  
Matthew Vandagriff 4 2   Brandon Basham 4 3  
Callie Pack 4 1   Houston Youngblood 3 2  
Adam Andereson 4     Lynn Gann 2 2  
Jared Sain 4 2   Brittany McNair 3 1  
Jeremy Pack 4     Spencer Thompson 3 2  



Team                            Won Lost    Team      Total Opp. Runs
Dennis Gann Plumbing & Electric 7 1 Scared Hitless 82

Scared Hitless 6 2 Dennis Gann P&E 85
Centertown Mudcats 3 5 Centertown MC 102
JB Leftovers 0 8 JB Leftovers 178

Team Total Runs Score Team Total Home Runs
Scared Hitless 154 Dennis Gann P&E 5
Dennis Gann Plumbing & Electric 136 Scared Hitless 4
Centertown Mudcats 114 Centertown MC 4
JB Leftovers 42

Team Total Hits Team Batting Average
Dennis Gann Plumbing & Electric 199 Dennis Gann P&E .618
Scared Hitless 199 Scared Hitless .584
Centertown Mudcats 143 Centertown MC .530
JB Leftovers 77 JB Leftovers .376

Female Total Hits Female Batting Average
1. Haleigh Harrell (SH) 21 1. Jesse Young (DGPE) .750
2. Raleigh Johnson (SH) 18 2. Haleigh Harrell (SH) .714
3. Bree Lee (DGPE) 16 3. Alenna Muncey (CM) .550
4. Jesse Young (DGPE) 13 4. Raleigh Johnson (SH) .515
5. Emily Scott (CM) 12 5. Brittany McNair (DGPE) .474

Male Total Hits Male Batting Average
1. Bubba Lee (DGPE) 26 1. Richard Felty (DGPE) .786
2. Jacob Taylor (DGPE) 24 2. Ethan Matthews (JB) .750
3. Wes Wilson (SH) 23 3. Lynn Gann (DGPE) .724
4. Richard Felty (DGPE) 22 4. Matt Vandagriff (SH) .704
5. Lynn Gann (DGPE) 21 5. Wes Wilson (SH) .697
6. Kyle Thompson (DGPE) 21 6. Will Prater (SH) .690
Jake Rains (CM) 21 7. Kyle Thompson (DGPE) .687
Asa Robertson (SH) 21 8. Bubba Lee (DGPE) .684
Hunter Jones (SH) 21 9. Jake Rains (CM) .677
7. Will Prater (SH) 20 10.Austin Mast (CM) .667

Total Home Runs Defensive Gold Gloves
1. Kyle Thompson (DGPE) 5 Haleigh Harrell (SH)
2. Wes Wilson (SH) 3 Jesse Young (DGPE)
3. Austin Mast (CM) 3 Raleigh Johnson (SH)
Bubba Lee (DGPE)
Kyle Thompson (DGPE)
Austin Mast (CM)
Jacob Bain (JBL)
Hunter Jones (SH)

Adult Co-Ed League: Week 9

Thursday; August 1
Centertown Mudcats 17-JB Leftovers 11
Team Leading Hitters Home Runs
JB Leftovers Ethan Matthes 4, Jeremy Barks 3, Bobby Dillon 3  
Centertown MC Jake Rains 4, Tyler McCormick 3, Dalton Hillis 3, Austin Mast 3 Austin Mast 1

Adult Co-Ed League: Week 8

Monday, July 22
Dennis Gann Plumbing & Electric 11-Centertown Mudcats 10
Team Home Runs Leading Hitters
Dennis Gann P&E   Bubba Lee 4, Jacob Taylor 3, Kyle Thompson 2 eachs each
Centertown Mudcats Jake Rains Jake Rains 3, Caylon Driver, Jacob Scott, Danielle Miller, Ron Wagoner 2 hits each
Scared Hitless 18-JB Leftovers 8
Team Home Runs Leading Hitters
Scared Hitless   Hunter Jones, Rhealee Johnson 4 hits each, Haleigh Harrell, Asa Robertson 3 hits each
JB Leftovers   Ethan Matthews 3, Bobby Dillon, Hunter Walker, and Jacob Bain 2 hits each 

Adult Co-Ed League: Week 7

Monday; July 15
Scared Hitless 16-Dennis Gann Plumbing & Electric
Team Leading Hitters Home Runs
Scared Hitless Rhealee Johnson, Haliegh Harrell and Megan Johnson all with 3 hits Rhealee Johnson
Dennis Gann P&E Lynn Gann, Bubba Lee 3 hits each Kyle Thompson

2024 CYL Season Tournament

    "Come Out and Watch Some Great Softball Games"
Friday; June 12Field 1
JB Championship Game:DC's Home Improvement 10-Ben Lomand Connect 7

SG Championship Game:Holder Realty 12-The Voice Box 8
SB Championship Game-Prater Realty 14-Bandits 4

Field 2
Championship Game Crisp Springs Fireworks 7-Dr Pepper 6

Championship Game Spring Landscape 8-Dream Builders 6
Field 3
TL Game 3:Farm Credit vs.Bridgestone (tie)
TB: Championship Game-Smile Doctors 22-Smedley's Auto 21
Thursday; July 11th
Field 1
JB: Game 1-Ben Lomand Connect 11-Ozzy's Transport 10
SG: Game 1-The Voice Box 14-Citizens Tri County Bank 13

Field 2
JG: Game 2-Crisp Springs Fireworks 9-Nokes Grave Services 8
CP: Game 3-Dream Builders 9-Monkey Wrench Garage 5
CP: Game 4-Spring Landscape 14-US Barn Builders 3

Field 3
TL Game 2- Bridgestone-L&C Tree Service (tie)
TB Game 2- Smedley's Auto 23-Supreme Storage 19
TB Game 3- Smile Doctors 23-Cherry Springs Nursery 20
Tuesday; July 9th
Field 1
SB:Game 1-Bandits 18-Douglas & Lanier 7
SB-Game 2-Prater Realty 19-RRP 4

Field 2
JG:Game 1-Dr Pepper 15-Warren Apparel 14
CP:Game 1-Monkey Wrench Garage 16-Cherry Springs Nursery 15
CP:Game 2-US Barn Builders 17-Totherow/Hale/Welch CPA's 8

Field 3
TL: Game 1-L&C Tree Service-Farm Credit (tie)
TB: Game 1-Cherry Springs Nursery 24-Douglas & Lanier 19


Hunter Jones
Noted: Youth League Awards Night; photos posted at the Park
and under the "About" section above:Photo Albums 2024 CYL Awards

Adult Co-Ed League: Week 6

Monday; July 9th
Dennis Gann Plumbing 17-JB Leftovers 5
Team Runs Home Runs Leading Hitters
JB Leftovers 5   Bobby Dillon and Jacob Bain with 2 hits each
Dennis Gann P&E 17 Kyle Thompson Jacob Taylor 4 hits, Bree Lee, Richard Felty, Kyle Thompson, Brandon Basham, Lynn Gann and Spencer Thomas all with 3 hits
Scared Hitless 14 -Centertown Mudcats 13
Team Runs Home Runs Leading Hitters
Centertown MC 13   Jake Rains, Caylon Driver, Austin Mist, and Emily Scott all with 3 hits
Scared Hitless 14 Wes Wilson Wes Wilson 3 hits
Top Male Batters (play at least 5 Games of 6 Games Play)
1. Wes Wilson (Scared Hitless) .792
2. Kyle Thompson (Dennis Gann P&E) .783
3. Brandon Basham (Dennis Gann P&E) .765
4. Austin Mast (Centertown Mudcats) .737
5. Jacob Scott (Centertown Mudcats) .706
6. Will Prater (Scared Hitless) .696
Matt Vandagriff (Scared Hitless) .696
7. Lynn Gann (Dennis Gann P&E) .692
8. Spencer Thompson (Dennis Gann P&E) .680
9. Ethan Matthews (JB Leftovers) .667
Jake Rains (Centertown Mudcats) .667
Caylon Driver (Centertown Mudcats) .667
Hunter Jones (Scared Hitless) .667
Asa Robertson (Scared Hitless) .667
Top Female Batters
1. Haleigh Harrell (Scared Hitless) .789
2. Emily Scott (Centertown Mudcats) .556
3. Alena Muncey (Centertown Mudcats) .550
4. Bree Lee (Dennis Gann P&E) .500
Britany McNair (Dennis Gann P&E) .500
5. Rhaelee Johnson (Scared Hitless) .400

2024 CYL Season Champs

Training League Champs

Bridgestone L & C Tree Service
 Farm Credit
Tee Ball Champs Coach Pitch Champs
Smile Doctors Spring Landscape

Junior Girls Senior Girls
Crisp Springs Fireworks Holder Realty

Jr Boys Champs Senior Boys Champs
DC's Home Improvement Prater Realty



Attention Coaches: Please have Team Basket at
Ball Park between 5:30 pm and 5:45 pm.
Concession will open between 6 pm to
No Food will be cook or serve, only drinks and
Snow Cones.

Adult Co-Ed League: Week 5

Monday; July 1

Scared Hitless 22-JB Leftovers 2

Team Total Hits Home Runs Team Leading Hitters
Scared Hitless 25 Wes Wilson Wes Wilson(4) Rhealee Johnson(3) Hunter Jones(3) Will Prater(3)
JB Leftovers 6   Libby Barks, Jacob Bain,Shayla Bain, Hunter Walker, DeAngelo, Ashely Dillon all 1 each

Dennis Gann Plumbing & Electric 21-1

Team Total Hits Home Runs Team Leading Hitters
DGP&E 28 Kyle Thompson Kyle Thompson(4) Brandon Basham(4)Houston Youngblood, Brittany McNair, Lynn Gann, Jessie Young all 3 each
CT Mudcats 4   Jake Rains(2)

Adult Co-Ed League: Week 4

Monday; June 24
Centertown Mudcats 22-JB Leftovers 7
Team Total Hits Home Runs Team Leading Hitters
JB Leftovers 9   Ethan Matthews(3)
Centertown MC 21   Austin Mast (4) Jacob Scott (4)
Scared Hitless-Dennis Gann Plumbing & Electric
Team Total Hits Home Runs Team Leading Hitters
Dennis Gann PE 28 Kyle Thompson Jessie Young(5) Bubba Lee(4) Jacob Taylor(4) Kyle Thompson(4)
Scared Hitless 25   Hailey Harrell(4) Wes Wilson(4) Will Prater(4)

Week 6: CYL

Tuesday; June 25
Field 1
JB: DC's Home Improvement 9-Ozzy's Transport 8
SG: Holder Realty 16-The Voice Box 11
SB: Prater Realty 18-Bandits 15

Field 2
JG: Dr Pepper 20-Warren Apparel 6
CP: Dream Builders 18-Totherow 2
CP: Monkey Wrench Garage 17--US Barn Builders 16

Field 3
TB: Supreme Storage 25-Douglas & Lanier 22
TB: Smedley's Auto 27-Cherry Springs Nursery 23

Thursday; June 27
Field 1
SG: The Voice Box 15-Citizens Tri County Bank 7
SB: Douglas & Lanier 26-Bandits 14

Field 2
JG: Crisp Springs Fireworks 20-Nokes Grave Services 1
CP: US Barn Builders 22-Totherow 14
CP: Spring Landscape 12-Monkey Wrench Garage 2

Field 3
TL: Bridgestone-Farm Credit (tie)
Cherry Springs Nursery 26-Douglas & Lanier 23

Friday; June 28
Field 1
JB: Ben Lomand Connect 17-DC's Home Improvement 6
SG: Holder Realty 26-Citizens Tri County Bank 6
SB: Prater Realty 25-RRP 3

Field 2
JG: Warren Apparel 12-Nokes Grave Services 3
JG: Dr Pepper 7-Crisp Springs Fireworks 5
CP: Dream Builders 16-Cherry Springs Nursery 2

Field 3
TL: Bridgestone-L & C Tree Service (tie)
TB: Smile Doctors-Supreme Storage (SS forfeit to SD)
TB: Smedley's Auto 24-Cherry Springs Nursery 20

Adult Co-Ed League: Week 3

Monday; June 17th
Dennis Gann Plumbing & Electric 19-JB Leftovers 5
Team Hits Home Runs Leading Hitters
DGPE 22   Lynn Gann(4) Bubba Lee(3) Houston Youngblood(3) Brittany McNair(3) Brandon Basham(3)
JBL 12   Ethan Matthews(2) Shayla Bain(2) Jeremy Barks(2) Hunter Walker(2) Justin Jennings(2)
Scared Hitless 21-Centertown Mudcats 4
Team Hits Home Runs Leading Hitters
SH 22 Wes Wilson                                  Matthew Vandigriff Hunter Jones(4) Asa Robertson(3) Haleigh Harrell(3) Jared Sain(3)
CTM 10 Austin Mast Austin Mast(2) Alena Muncey(2) Dalton Hillis(2)
First Round of Play Batting Average Leaders
Male * Play at Least 2 Games of the 3 Games Played

1. Matthew Vandagriff (Scared Hitless) .818
2. Richard Felty (Dennis Gann Plumbing & Electric) .800
3. Lynn Gann (Dennis Gann Plumbing & Electric) .769
4. Hunter Walker (JB Leftovers) .750
5. Dalton Hillis (Centertown Mudcats) .727
Hunter Jones (Scared Hitless) .727
Asa Robertson (Scared Hitless) .727
6. Ethan Matthews (JB Leftovers) .714
7. Austin Mast (Centertown Mudcats) .700
8. Spencer Thompson (Dennis Gann Plumbing & Electric) .692
9. Wes Wilson (Scared Hitless) .667
Jacob Bain (JB Leftovers) .667
Houston Youngblood (Dennis Gann Plumbing & Electric) .667
Female * Play at Least 2 Games of the 3 Games Played
1. Haliegh Harrell (Scared Hitless) .857
2. Ashley Dillon (JB Leftovers) .600
3. Alena Muncey (Centertown Mudcats) .583
4. Magen Anderson (Scared Hitless) ,571
5. Bree Lee (Dennis Gann Plumbing & Electric) .500

Week 5: CYL

Tuesday; June 18th
Field 1
JB: Ben Lomand Connect 13-Ozzy's Transport 7
SG: Holder Realty 15-Citizens Tri County Bank 14
SB: Bandits 35-Douglas & Lanier 3

Field 2
JG: Crisp Springs Fireworks 14-Warren Apparel 13
CP: Totherow 16-Monkey Wrench Garage 10
CP: Spring Landscape 9-Dream Builders 6

Field 3
TB: Smile Doctors 26-Smedley's Auto 23
TB: Cherry Springs Nursery 16-Douglas & Lanier 12

Thursday; June 20th
Field 1
JB: DC's Home Improvement 9-Ozzy's Transport 6
SG: Holder Realty 17-The Voice Box 5
SB: Prater Realty 23-RRP 15

Field 2
JG: Dr Pepper 23-Nokes Grave Services 15
CP: Dream Builders 11-US Barn Builders 9
CP: Spring Landscape 13-Cherry Springs Nursery 0

Field 3
TL: Farm Credit-L & C Tree Service (tie)
TB: Smile Doctors 29-Supreme Storage 24

Friday; June 21st
Field 1
JB: DC's Home Improvement 16-Ben Lomand Connect 9
SB: Prater Realty 19-Douglas & Lanier 13
SB: Bandits 22-RRP 21

Field 2
JG: Crisp Springs Fireworks 11-Dr Pepper 8
7:30 pm-JG: Nokes Grave Services-Warren Apparel (Game Postponed)
CP: Totherow 15-Cherry Springs Nursery 6

Field 3
L & C Tree Service-Bridgestone (tie)
TB: Smile Doctors 23-Douglas & Lanier 14
Supreme Storage 23-Smedley's Auto 18

Adult Co-Ed League: Week 2

Monday: June 10th
Dennis Gann Plumbing and Electric 16-Centertown Mudcats 6
Team Hits Home Runs Leading Hitters
DGPE 24 Kyle Thompson Bubba Lee(4) Richard Felty(4) Lynn Gann(4) Bree Lee(3) Kyle Thompson(3) Spencer Thompson(3)
CTM 9   Jake Rains(2) Dalton Hillis(2) 
Scared Hitless 21-JB Leftovers 3
Team Hits Home Runs Leading Hitters
SH 28   Matthew Wilson(4) Asa Robertson(4) Will Prater(3) Jared Sain(3) Wesley Wilson(2)
JBL 9   Ashley Dillon(2) Ethan Matthews(2) Jacob Bain(2)

Week 4: CYL

Tuesday: June 11
Field 1
SG: Holder Realty 16-The Voice Box 9
SB: Douglas & Lanier 28-RRP 14
Field 2
JG: Dr Pepper 17-Warren Apparel 9
CP: Spring Landscape 11-Dream Builders 5
CP: US Barn Builders 20-Cherry Springs Nursery 7
Field 3
TL: Farm Credit-L&C Tree Service (tie)
TB: Supreme Storage 26-Cherry Springs Nursery 21

Thursday: June 13
Field 1
JB: DC's Home Improvement 12-Ozzy's Transport 11
SG: Citizens Tri County Bank 11-Holder Realty 7
SB: Bandits 17-Douglas & Lanier 16
Field 2
JG: Crisp Springs Fireworks 12-Nokes Grave Services 4
CP: Monkey Wrench 15-Cherry Springs Nursery 8
CP: Spring Landscape 14-Totherow 1
Field 3
TL: L&C Tree Service-Bridgestone (ti
TB: Smedley's Auto 22-Douglas & Lanier 18

Friday: June 14
Field 1
JB: Ben Lomand Connect 13-Ozzy's Transport 3
SG: The Voice Box 23-Citizens Tri County Bank 3
SB: Prater Realty 30-RRP 4
Field 2
JG: Dr Pepper 11-Nokes Grave Services 10
CP: US Barn Builders 19-Totherow 4
CP: Dream Builders 14-Monkey Wrench Garage 4
Field 3
TL: Bridgestone-Farm Credit (tie)
TB: Smile Doctors 24-Cherry Springs Nursery 14
TB: Smedley's Auto 23-Supreme Storage 13

Adult Co-Ed League: Week 1 "Season Opener"

Monday; June 3rd
Dennis Gann Plumbing & Electric 21- Scared Hitless 20
Centertown Mudcats 42-JB Leftovers 1


Week 3: CYL

Tuesday; June 4th
Field 1
JB: DC's Home Improvement 9-Ben Lomand Connect 5
SB: Douglas & Lanier 23-RRP 6
SB: Bandits 21-Prater Realty 15
Field 2
JG: Crisp Srings Fireworks 12-Warren Apparel 2
CP: Monkey Wrench Garage 12-Totherow 11
Field 3
TL: Farm Credit-L&C Tree Service (tie)
TB: Supreme Storage 25-Douglas & Lanier 20

Thursday; June 6th
Field 1

JB: Ben Lomand Connect 13-Ozzy's Transport 4
SG: The Voice Box 12-Citizens Tri County Bank 7
SB: Douglas & Lanier 14-Prater Realty 9
Field 2
JG: Warren Apparel 11-Nokes Grave Services 10
CP: Dream Builders 12-US Barn Builders 7
CP: Spring Landscape 16-Totherow 1
Field 3
TL: Bridgestone-L&C Tree Service (tie)
TB: Smile Doctors 21-Smedley's Auto 20

Friday; June 7th
Field 1
JB: Ozzy's Transport 19-DC's Home Improvement 18
SB: Prater Realty 17-Douglas & Lanier 16
SB: Bandits 20-RRP 19
Field 2
JG: Crisp Springs Fireworks 13-Dr Pepper 11
CP: Monkey Wrench Garage 18-Cherry Springs Nursery 9
CP: Spring Landscape 12-US Barn Builders 1
Field 3
TL: Farm Credit-Bridgstone (tie)
TB: Smile Doctors 24-Douglas & Lanier 17

Week 2: CYL

Tue. May 28
Field 1
JB: Ben Lomand Connect 17-Ozzy's Transport 11
SG: Holder Realty 17-Citizens Tri County Bank 7
SB: Douglas & Lanier 20-RRP 9

Field 2
JG: Dr Pepper 19-Nokes Grave Services 6
CP: Spring Landscape 12-Cherry Springs Nursery 4
CP: Dream Builders 16-Monkey Wrench Garage 3

Field 3
TL: L&C Tree Service vs. Bridgestone (tie)
TB: Smile Doctors 16-Supreme Storage 12

Thur. May 30
Field 1
JB: DC's Home Improvement 12-Ozzy's Transport 7
SG: Holder Realty 24-The Voice Box 4
SB: Prater Realty 14-RRP 11

Field 2
JG: Crisp Springs Fireworks 13-Dr Pepper 4
CP: Monkey Wrench Garage 16-US Barn Builders 12
CP: Dream Builders 16-Totherow 2

Field 3
TL: Farm Credit vs. Bridgestone (tie)
TB: Douglas and Lanier 16-Smedley's Auto 14

Fri. May 31
Field 1
JB: DC's Home Improvement 13-Ben Lomand Connect 11
SG: The Voice Box 23-Citizens Tri County Bank 3
SB: Douglas & Lanier 8-Bandits 7

Field 2
JG: Warren Apparel 12-Nokes Grave Services 6
CP: Dream Builders 14-Cherry Springs Nursery 5
CP: Spring Landscape 19-Monkey Wrench 1

Field 3
TL: L&C Tree Service vs. Farm Credit (tie)
TB: Smile Doctors 25-Cherry Springs Nursery 16

2024 Season Opens: Week 1 CYL

Thur. May 23
Field 1
JB: DC's Home Improvement 10-Ben Lomand Connect 7
SG: The Voice Box 13-Citizens Tri County Bank 8
SB: Bandits 25-RRP 24
Field 2
JG: Warren Apparel 15-Dr Pepper 3
CP: Spring Landscape 19-US Barn Builders 2
Field 3
TL: Bridgestone vs. Farm Credit (tie)
TB: Supreme Storage 32-Smedley's Auto 19

Fri. May 24
Field 1
JB: Ben Lomand Connect 8-Ozzy's Transport 5
SG: Holder Realty 13-Citizens Tri County Bank 9
SB: Prater Realty 23-Bandits 21
Field 2
JG: Crisp Springs Fireworks 23-Warren Apparel 14
CP: US Barn Builders 14-Cherry Springs Nursery 4
Field 3
TL: Farm Credit vs. L&C Tree Service (tie)
TB: Douglas and Lanier 29-Cherry Springs Nursery 22

2023 Season Tournament Champs and 2nd Place

Tee Ball


1sr Place: Cherry Springs Nursery                              2nd Place: DS Farm Supply

Coach Pitch


1st Place: Spring Landscape and Mowing                     2nd Place: State Farm

Junior Girls


1st Place: Holder Realty and Auction                        2nd Place: Warren County Apparel

Junior Boys


1st Place: Ozzy's Transport                                   2nd Place: Mt View Monument

Senior League


1st Place: Prater Realty and Auction                      2nd Place: Bandits


2023 Senior League Players Award

Kendal Wooten Memorial Player Award


(Photo on Left) Girl Player                (Photo on Right) Boy Player
on Right: Kendra Wilkinson in Center: Caylon Driver
presented by Kendal family; mother Vonda, presented by Nola and father Chad Driver
daughter Nova and grandmother Karen.

2023 CYL Coaches of Year

Amy Stanley Coach Award:                     John Tanner Coach Award                    Youth League Coach of Year

( from a Tee Ball or Coach Pitch Division)       ( from a Junior or Senior Divison)             ( Overall Coach of the Year)


  Jeremy Barks (on left)                            Lee Watson (on left)                                 Stephanie Parker (on left)

Look under Photo Album, title 2023 Awards and Trophies to see all teams and
individual awards.