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16u Ripken 873 Tournament Champions

Aberdeen, MD

PLAYERS: Richie Bayachek, Steven Martin, Griffin Johnson, Nate Gilson, Mason Keith, Tyler Boraski, Ryan Kerns

Danny Nocito, Jake Plebani, Kevin Pickard, Michael Roccograndi


15u Diamond Nation 2022 Summer Finale Finalist

15u Diamond Nation 2022 Summer Finale Finalist   Flemington, NJ

PLAYERS:   Michael Roccograndi, Tyler Boraski, Jake Plebani, Griffin Johnson, Nate Gilson, Danny Nocito, Mason Keith, Richie Bayachek, Gavin Lister, Ryan Kerns, Steven Martin


15u World Series 17 Tournaments Finalist

Sports Force Park, Sandusky Ohio

Photo: Steve Martin (coach), Will Sheridan, Ryan Kerns, Tyler Boraski, Nate Gilson, Mason Keith, John Keith (coach), Gavin Lister, Richie Bayachek, Chase Comer, Gavin Lister, Chris Roccograndi (coach), Rich Bayachek

Michael Roccograndi, Steven Martin, Colin Boraski, Kevin Pickard


14u USABL MVP Classic Tournament Champions

PLAYERS: Nate Gilson, Griffin Johnson, Mason Keith, Tyler Boraski, Rich Bayachek, Kevin Pickard, Steven Martin, Jake Plebani, Danny Nocito, Michael Roccograndi, Ryan Kerns

COACHES: Steve Martin, Rich Bayachek, John Keith, Chris Roddograndi


14u USABL Summer Slam Tournament Champions

PLAYERS: Nate Gilson, Griffin Johnson, Mason Keith, Tyler Boraski, Rich Bayachek, Kevin Pickard, Steven Martin, Jake Plebani, Danny Nocito, Michael Roccograndi, Ryan Kerns

COACHES: Steve Martin, Rich Bayachek, John Keith, Chris Roddograndi


15/16u Ripken Aberdeen On Deck Champions

PLAYERS: Nate Gilson, Griffin Johnson, Mason Keith, Tyler Boraski, Rich Bayachek, Kevin Pickard, Steven Martin, Jake Plebani, Danny Nocito, Michael Roccograndi, Ryan Kerns

COACHES: Steve Martin, Rich Bayachek, John Keith, Chris Roddograndi