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MLW 2018

There has been a new team added for this season. That team is the Jaguars. Their players are

  • Lucas Cerbo (Captain) 
  • Tommy Giannone
  • Zach Brady


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Now in MLW, there will be a draft every year.

Matt Kenny will be the captain of the Cobras and he will have the 1st pick in the 2018 draft.

Danny Cody will be the captain of the Ducks and he will have the 2nd pick.

Michael Weinbel will be the captain of the Lions he will have the 3rd pick.




MLW Wiffle Ball 2018

In the summer of 2018, MLW will cost 5 dollars per player. It is for supplies like wiffle balls, bats, and spray paint. You will also be getting a shirt.


Image result for mlw wiffle ball

MLW 2017

Team 2 wins World Series 1-0 in 14 innings against team 3. Danny Cody hit a walk off homerun.

Team 2: Danny Cody and Rj Kernan

Team 3: Sam Calhoun and Michael Weinbel