Welcome to the home of the

South Kingstown Girls' Slowpitch Softball


Hello SK Slow Pitch Families and Coaches!


I want to remind you all of our Parents/Coaches Meeting! It will take place on Monday, 7/15 at 6:00pm at the Neighborhood Guild. If you are unable to attend in person, please join us on google meet. Please see link/information below. 


The goal of our Fall Parents/Coaches Meeting is to allow our coaches, parents and families to share their thoughts and opinions about the 2024 season, and share their ideas to help improve our league and look forward to our 2025 season. We value your feedback and love to have your support in making our league the best it can be year after year. No opinion or suggestion is too small to share, so please bring your ideas!


We have Board positions available! If you are interested in joining the 2025 Board of Directors, please let me know! Our Board of Directors nominees will be voted on and elected at the Parents/Coaches Meeting. 




Parent/Coaches Meeting

Monday, July 15th @ 6:00 – 7:30pm

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/qet-hopf-iso


See you all on Monday!

We are looking to see if anyone would be interested in joining the 2025 Board of Directors for SK Slow Pitch Softball.
Here are the overall attendance expectations for the board:
- Monthly board meetings (October-February, April. Dates and times flexible)
- Skills Assessment (March) - not all members are necessary
- Team Draft (March)
- Spring Coaches Meeting and Training (March)
- Opening Day (May)
- Championship Weekend (June)
Additionally, we need our Board Members to be available for group communications (via email or text) and respond to inquiries/questions in a timely manner. Typically, this is done through text messages. We try to avoid any meetings that aren't absolutely necessary!
Are you looking to make a difference and help improve the league?
Let us know if you have any questions. I hope you consider joining us!

Good Morning Softball Families!
Our 2024 softball season is quickly coming to an end and I wanted to take a moment to update everyone on our end of season Picnic and Parent/Coaches meeting.
On Sunday June 30th, we will be having a combined Senior league and Junior league picnic. Unfortunately, we will not be holding playoffs this year, but instead, having a final game where all Senior league players will be divided into 2 teams to play one final game. The game will be at 2pm. Immediately following the game, we will have an awards ceremony and pizza party. Junior league teams, you are strongly encouraged to attend the game and awards ceremony afterwards as you will also be getting awards! 
Coaches and players in uniform will get pizza for free, parents/ family members are $5. Please bring a dish to share, chairs/picnic blankets, and/or yard games! 
Please see the attached flyer for information. 
As our season does come to an end, we would like to invite you all to our annual Parent/Coaches meeting. We will be meeting on Monday July 15th at 6pm. We will be having it in person and via zoom. Location to be determined and will be emailed out closer to the date. 
The goal of our Parents/Coaches Meeting is to allow our coaches, parents, and families to share their thoughts and opinions about the 2024 season, and share their ideas to help improve our league and look forward to our 2025 season. We value your feedback and would love to have your support in making our league the best it can be year after year. No opinion or suggestion is too small to share, so please bring your ideas!
We have Board positions available! If you are interested in joining the 2025 Board of Directors, please let me know! Our Board of Directors nominees will be voted on and elected at the Parents/Coaches Meeting.
We hope to see you all at the celebratory events as we conclude the 2024 season! Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. 
Rachel Hiener
Board President

Good Evening SK Slow Pitch Families and Coaches!
We are thrilled to give you exciting information about Opening Day
Opening Day is scheduled for Saturday, May 4th (rain date Sunday, May 5th). For those families or coaches new to the league, Opening Day is a celebration of the start of our season. We will announce our players, take team photos and get ready to play the first game of the season. We encourage all players, coaches and families to attend and kick off the 2024 season together! 
Opening Day begins at 10:00am. We ask that all players and coaches arrive at OMF by 9:45am so they can assemble into their teams and line up to go onto the field. 
The introductory ceremony will last approximately 20/30 minutes. Team shirts will be distributed as part of the ceremony. Please have your player wear a tank top/undershirt or sports bra so they can easily change into their shirt, as well as their softball pants. At the conclusion of our introductory ceremony, team photos will be taken. At 10:30am, we will clear the field and prepare for the senior game scheduled for 11am. 
The senior game features Quench Design vs. Stasiunas Companies. It will take place at 11am.
We will also be hosting an equipment swap. Feel free to bring used equipment that does not fit your player anymore, cleats, pants, gloves, and take a peak at what we have to give away. 
If you are still in need of softball pants, we will also have some extra pairs at the field on Saturday. 
I have also attached the updated game schedule below. 
We are so excited to kick off the 2024 season, and hope you will all join us Saturday!
Rachel Hiener
Board President 



Good Morning SK Slow Pitch Families and Coaches!
The 2024 season is about to begin! Coaches received rosters and schedules last night, and will be in contact over the next couple of days! Please note that due to necessary roster balancing, we decided to get rid of the instructional league and combine those players with the Junior League. 
If you do not hear from a coach by Sunday, please let me know!
A reminder that we are hosting our Pizza Social to kick off the season! This is a wonderful opportunity for our players to meet their coaches and teammates, and have the opportunity to intermingle with other teams before practices and games begin. Our Pizza Social will take place on Monday 4/1 from 5:30pm-6:30pm at OMF. Pizza will be provided for all players, but please bring a drink. Players are welcome to bring their softball gloves as well! We hope that all players will be able to attend - it will be a great start to our season!
League outerwear has been increasingly popular over the last few seasons. Last season, we designed a new ordering form for our league outerwear which will be available this season as well. Please complete the Google Form by April 1st. It is our goal to have outerwear ready before Opening Day.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out at any time. We cannot wait to see you all on Monday!! 
Rachel Hiener
Board President 

Good Afternoon Softball Families,
The 2024 season is about to begin! Coaches will be receiving rosters and reaching out to you all very soon! Please note that due to necessary roster balancing, we have combined the instructional and junior leagues. We will have 2 junior teams and 3 senior teams. The numbers are still very tight so if you know anyone that is still interested in playing, please don't hesitate to send them our way! 
To kick off the season, we are hosting a Pizza Social for both Junior and Senior leagues. This is a wonderful opportunity for our players to meet their coaches and teammates, and have the opportunity to intermingle with other teams before practices and games begin. Our Pizza Social will take place on Monday 4/1 from 5:30pm-6:30pm at OMF. Pizza will be provided for all players, but please bring a drink. Players are welcome to bring their softball gloves as well! We hope that all players will be able to attend - it will be a great start to our season!
League outerwear has been increasingly popular over the last few seasons. Last season, we designed a new ordering form for our league outerwear which will be available this season as well. Please complete the Google Form by April 1st. It is our goal to have outerwear ready before Opening Day.

If there are any questions or concerns moving forward, please don't hesitate to reach out at any time. We look forward to seeing you all very soon!
Rachel Hiener
Board President 

2024 Slow Pitch Softball Season

Good morning SK Girls Slow Pitch Families, Friends and Coaches! We hope you are all doing well as we approach the end of 2023!

With the 2024 season quickly approaching, the Board of Directors has already begun to meet and discuss new ways to make this season the best one yet! We are so excited to be back on the field with all of our new and returning players that have made this league as amazing as it is! This season, the goal of our Board of Directors is to continue to increase our communications with families as well as foster a fair and equitable experience for all players. We will continue to increase our board presence throughout the season, both on and off the field, to assist with any concerns or questions you may have. We look forward to seeing you all again at OMF in the spring!

With that being said, we would like to introduce you to the 2024 SK Girls Slow Pitch Board of Directors: 

President – Rachel Hiener
Vice President -Torrey Martin

Treasurer – Patricia Roosa 
Secretary –  Janine Mason
Member at Large – Jessica Parker, Alexandra Maggs 
We are also excited to announce that registration for the 2024 season is OPEN! Please refer to our League Welcome Letter and Registration Information for more information.

You may register online at leaguelineup.com/skslowpitch. Click on the "2024 Registration" link to the right. You can then log in (if you have used our registration system in the past) or you can create an account. You can then register for the new season! 


As of right now we will only be doing registration online. Please let us know if an in-person registration would be of interest to you.
Questions/Comments can be emailed to: skslowpitch@gmail.com. Our website will also be able to provide you with updated information as the season approaches. Important dates and information soon to follow so be on the lookout!
2024 Board of Directors

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