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We are now entering our 44th season serving the community, parents, and children in Richmond and surrounding counties.
Virginia Randolph Athletic Association has a mission to provide a positive atmosphere of teamwork, guidance and fun for the children of the community. Our program philosophy has been “Academics and Athletics Go Hand In Hand”. Beginning at the age of 5 years and continuing up to 14 years of age, VRAA seeks to develop and inspire youth regardless of race, creed, national origin, or religion; to practice the ideals of good sportsmanship, leadership, and physical fitness. We provide a comprehensive youth football and cheering program during the fall and basketball program during the winter.
Today’s youth struggle with pressures like never before. They combat negatives in all areas of their lives. Therefore, we endure to help our youth stay focused and provide the proper guidance and do so in order to have a secure future for everyone. Each member of this program shall be of good moral character and interested in the goal of our association. We aspire to:
• Encourage the parents of our children to have a more active role in the football and basketball programs with their child/children.
• Provide a positive and fun environment for the children in our community while learning the game of football or basketball as well as cheering etiquette/stunts.
• Inspire our youth through “pep” sessions/rallies.
• Keep all members up to date on all rules, regulations, activities, and events that may occur during the season.
• Appoint, evaluate and instruct the coaching staff in keeping the best interest of our children.
We look forward to a GREAT SEASON!!!!!
Kevin Robertson, VRAA President