San Luis Obispo Girls Softball association endeavors to take every precaution in protecting the children of our league. Due to advice by ASA and legal authorities, our league requires all adults that have supervisory or disciplinary power over minors in our league to sign a Non-Felony letter. Penal Code Section 11105.03 provides that certain employers may request from the Department of Justice records of all convictions involving certain sex crimes, drug crimes, or crimes of violence of a person who applies for employment or volunteers for a position in which the subject would have a supervisory or disciplinary power over a minor. Employer, as used in this section, means any nonprofit corporation or other organization, which employs persons or uses the service of volunteers in positions having supervisory or disciplinary power over a child or children.
By signing this form, I certify that: (1) I have never been convicted of any “Sex Crimes” or committed as a mentally disordered sex offender; and 2) I have not been convicted of any “Drug Crimes." (This means any Felony or Misdemeanor conviction, within 10 years preceding the date of this application); and (3) I have not been convicted of any “Crimes of Violence." (This means any Felony or Misdemeanor conviction within 10 years preceding the date of this application.
By signing this form, I certify that I agree to communicate fully with the San Luis Obispo Girls Softball Assoc. Board of Directors if any unusual circumstances arise during any part of the season.
I understand that if my application is approved I will be eligible to manage/coach at a competitive/recreational level for a twelve (12) month period.

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