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Author TOPIC: Lefty slap with 2 strikes

June 27, 2011
12:10:00 AM

Entry #: 3753738
Batter has 2 strikes on her, both were attempts from the left side(fouls), in a running motion. Slap hitting style, but not in a chopping or a pushing motion On the 3rd pitch does the same thing and bunts it foul. Umpire rules she is not bunting she is slapping. I argue, she is not breaking her wrists in a slapping motion she's leaving her hand back and trying place it down. How do you determine if the batter is bunting or slapping when the ball goes foul for a 3rd strike? Mind you, all the Foul balls were around the plate, none down the 3rd base line.
The batter did this 4 straight times and on the 5th bunted the ball between P and C.
ASA umpire explained she is slapping and not bunting, then I argued, then he told me her hands were not going up the barrel, then sez she was not going forward with her bat. Bingo, if she isn't going forward then she is not slapping. Then after the inning told me it was a JUDGEMENT call, like a check swing.
Please help me understand, how a slapper is not called out for not slapping at the ball on a 3rd strike when the there is no motion in her swing to go forward, She makes contact and it goes foul. You make the call.


June 29, 2011
9:56:01 PM

Entry #: 3755884
Rich - would have to see it to call it.Does sound in your description it was a slap.I first look to see if batter move up in box in front of the box on the pitch..When bunting batters either stand still or in case of drag bunt are going to first. After this would look to see if bat is titiled up and bat is slapping at pitch.Yes it is judgement call,but a slap hit and a bunt are not alike.


June 30, 2011
12:03:46 AM

Entry #: 3755937
Thanks Hank. Next time I see you in Readington I will run it by you with a demo.

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