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Author TOPIC: Obstruction or Interference?

August 29, 2011
10:58:52 PM

Entry #: 3790827
Runner on 1st. Hard one hopper to the pitcher. Ball hits off pitcher's glove and rolls a few feet toward his left or right middle of infield. Pitcher bends down to get the ball and before she can pick it up, she kicks it accidently toward the baseline, a few feet short of where the second baseman would normally play. The second baseman had left the area to cover second base. Now the pitcher makes her third attempt to field a batted ball. She (the pitcher) enters the baseline, and just as she does, with the ball still several feet beyond her reach and the baseline, she collides with the runner, and the runner falls. Now the pitcher, from her knees, gets the ball and throws to second for the force out. The batter was safe at first on the fielder's choice. Was this obstruction or interference?


September 7, 2011
6:05:48 PM

Entry #: 3795580
Will give answer,but would like to hear from fellow officials on how they would rule on this situation.


September 7, 2011
9:52:11 PM

Entry #: 3795689

Dave Kubich

September 8, 2011
7:03:30 AM

Entry #: 3795768
Obstruction on Pitcher


September 8, 2011
10:03:27 AM

Entry #: 3795825
Had two previous chances to field the ball.

john m

September 10, 2011
11:41:21 AM

Entry #: 3796850
good one.nothing in book about how many chances you get on put out attempt.fielder clearly attempting to make a play, however clumsily.runner needs to avoid fielder. going against the grain here but i got out at second on interference safe at fist on f/c


September 11, 2011
10:46:36 AM

Entry #: 3797216
Obstruction.Both runers are safe.
Book rule 8-5-g - when a fielder not in possesion of the ball or not in the act of fielding a bated ball,obstructs the progress of a runner or batter- runner.-Yes does not mention a second try at fielding ball,but
two factors for envoking the obstruction rule. Fielder ran into runner,not runner into fielder who was trying for ball a second time several feet away, not in possesion of ball and it was not the initial fielding try. Runner would have been safe because if no collision and by the time the Pitcher/fielder got to ball several feet away runner would in all probability already been at second base before fielder recovered and made throw.

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