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Author TOPIC: Runner on 3rd, Batter walks, now what?

September 30, 2011
4:22:31 AM

Entry #: 3808962
What is the rule, regarding a batter after a walk, keeps going to 2nd? I know, once the runner goes she can't stop. What if the P is on the mound with ball? Is the runner still allowed to run? If the P throw the ball to 2nd, is the runner allowed to go back to 1st?

Thank you!


October 2, 2011
8:34:56 PM

Entry #: 3810354
I'm not that up to date on the ASA rules but I'll give it my best shot.

The runner can keep going to 2nd and she is also allowed to stop. After she stops, she is allowed around 2-3 seconds to decide which way she wants to go (continue to 2nd or go back to 1st).Once she decides she must continue to that base until a play is made on her.

If P or another fielder makes a play on her she will basically be in a rundown situation. She will be allowed stop and avoid the fielder with the ball.

Hope this helps. I'm going by H.S. and other leagues that I know the rules to (hopefully)

Thanks, Mike

P.S. If anybody knows that I'm completely wrong with this reply. Please let me know. I might want to get involved more with ASA softball this coming year.


October 2, 2011
10:02:00 PM

Entry #: 3810422
Rich, with a runner on 3rd and the batter walks. The good teams will simply throw the ball back to the pitcher, who is in the circle and not make a play. They want the batter runner to go to second. As soon as the batter runner steps on first the look back rule becomes in effect. They want the runner on 3rd to come off of the bag, since the batter-runner is running to second. Once the runner on 3rd changes direction they are out. The batter runner then goes back to first if they had not reached second when the look back rule was called. The batter runner is allowed to round first stop and decide to go back to first or procede to second if no play is being made on them. I hope I answered your question


October 4, 2011
10:29:11 PM

Entry #: 3811866
Even better teams will have the catcher fire the ball down to the first baseman.

Coach Ron

November 19, 2011
5:12:09 PM

Entry #: 3840468
I've seen that defense. But it's really no more effective than throwing it back to the pitcher, since the runner is free to take off for 2B as soon as the 1Bman throws the ball to the pitcher. Then the defense is right back where they started, with the decision to try to get the runner going to second or let her go and assure the runner on 3B stays put.

Unless you have a defense that's capable of getting the runner out stealing 2B on the next pitch, while still keeping the other runner on third or getting her out at home, it's always seemd like a waste of time to me. If you can't make that play - and most younger teams can't - then what's the point? That play - in my humble opinion - is a sucker play, where the offense hopes the defense will try to stop the runner from going straight to second, with the full knowledge that there's a high probability that the defense will throw the ball away or allow the runner to score from 3rd - OR BOTH!.


December 1, 2011
9:54:01 PM

Entry #: 3846060
This comes under the ASA look back rule 8-7-T.Runner can round first base and is allowed to stop once,runner must then immedeiately return to the base or attempt to advance to the next base. The pitcher who has to be in the pitching circle with control of the ball to put this rule in effect.If the pitcher makes a play on the runner the look back rule is no longer in effect and the ball remais alive.Any result of a play is valid.
High School/Federation is the same.

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