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Author TOPIC: PLAY 12

November 15, 2011
11:02:15 AM

Entry #: 3838220
With one out, R1 on 3B, R2 on 2B, R3 on 1B, B4 hits a high pop fly to the infield. The umpires call “infield fly.” The ball drops near 3B untouched and starts to roll foul. F5 throws their glove at the ball to prevent it from rolling foul and the glove hits the ball over (a) fair territory or (b) foul territory.
RULING: In (a) the infield fly stays in effect for the second out, and all three runners will score. In (b) it is a foul ball. (8-5F)


December 28, 2011
11:55:25 PM

Entry #: 3852827
How can all three runs score?

Coach Ron

December 29, 2011
7:30:16 AM

Entry #: 3852856
Rule 8, Section 5, F


December 29, 2011
10:16:50 AM

Entry #: 3852877
Senior moment. Thanks Coach Ron.

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