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Author TOPIC: illegal pitch missed

March 6, 2012
11:41:13 AM

Entry #: 3876139
illegal pitch called. batter swings and misses the pitch. now what?


March 6, 2012
3:14:13 PM

Entry #: 3876369
Strike one. Any runners on base? They advance a base.


March 8, 2012
2:22:04 PM

Entry #: 3877589
in slow pitch if a batter swings at or contacts any illegal pitch, it is nullified and all play stands


March 11, 2012
4:05:01 PM

Entry #: 3878503
not a strike... except in slow pitch. fast pitch in this case of batter missing the pitched ball, batter is awarded a ball and all runners advance one base. if batter put the ball in play - fair or foul - then the offensive coach has the option to take the play result or the penalty above.


March 14, 2012
8:00:39 PM

Entry #: 3880088
illegal pitch thrown/batter swings with no contact FP- ball on batter and all runners are awarded a base. ASA Rule 6 section 2 states that the only way to nulify an illegal pitch is to have the batter hit the ball and reach first base,and all runners advance one base.
In this case none of this happened.

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