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Author TOPIC: (03/13/12) SOFTBALL QUIZ

March 13, 2012
8:41:37 AM

Entry #: 3879255
Coach A presents her line-up card to the plate umpire. Upon inspection, the plate umpire says “you’re playing with a DP/FLEX, the FLEX is in the proper position, the 10th position and is Pitching, and the DP is batting in the 3rd Slot, and she is not playing defense to start the game.” Coach says, “correct,” and then says, “I am removing my FLEX from the game and the DP will pitch. This is illegal : a) Line-up changes cannot be made at the pre-game conference b) The DP cannot start the game playing defense
c) You must go through the line-up one time before changes can be made d) once you start the with the DP/FLEX, you must finish the game using the DP/FLEX e) all of the above.

Michael J. Boylan

March 13, 2012
9:01:04 AM

Entry #: 3879260
Answer is "D". You start with it, you finish with it.

Gerard Denza

March 13, 2012
9:55:57 AM

Entry #: 3879304
A team may start the game using the Felex but may remove substitute for the DP or Flex and keep the line-up positions unchanged or put the Dp in the field and remove the Felx which would have the team batting order the same but no longer have the flex.I would say that option B is the answer here becaue the official line up was submitted and affirmed to be the line-up. The coach could make a change at the start of the game but the player being removed would only be not be eligible to return.

dave Kubich

March 13, 2012
11:02:19 AM

Entry #: 3879344
Once you start with it you finish with it. Any changes are considered substitutes.

Opa Ump

March 13, 2012
2:05:08 PM

Entry #: 3879475
This is a trick question. My answer is f. none of the above. But the closest answer to correct is a.
Changes can be made until the Plate umpire accepts, verifies, and makes it official. From that point any change is a substitution.


March 14, 2012
9:27:35 PM

Entry #: 3880122
I think that you'd have to start the game before you could make that change.


March 15, 2012
12:07:38 PM

Entry #: 3880286
Going to go with OPA opinion. Changes can't be made once the umpire accepts and approves the line up card. Go through your pregame conference and then when conference is over accept the changes as a subsitute


March 16, 2012
4:13:47 PM

Entry #: 3880854
Opa is right! Not necessarily a "trick question," but one designed to make us think. The umpire received the line-up card from the coach. The umpire then reviewed the card out loud. The coach acknowledged the umpire's findings. Immediately, upon the coaches' confirmation, the line-up became official. Any changes after that would be considered official changes or substitutions, and perfectly legal. This coach obviously had a specific strategy in mind, and had planned it accordingly, and legally.

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