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Author TOPIC: Question A3 (03-25-12)

March 25, 2012
11:00:39 AM

Entry #: 3885105
(FP Only) The Designated Player is listed properly in the fourth spot in the batting order and the FLEX is properly listed in the tenth spot. In the third inning it is reported to the Plate Umpire that the DP will now play defense for the FLEX. Which is a true statement?
a) This is a legal change and the FLEX is considered to have left the game.
b) This is not legal and cannot be done.
c) This is a legal change, but can only be done one time per game.
d) This is not a legal change because the DP is not allowed to play offense and defense at the same time.


March 25, 2012
11:56:39 AM

Entry #: 3885124


March 27, 2012
10:55:39 PM

Entry #: 3887209
Correct answer is A.
RULE 4-3-E.

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