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Author TOPIC: Runner Stealing Home
Bill (From Kenda)

April 22, 2012
4:34:29 PM

Entry #: 3901157
Runner on 3rd, stealing home. Batter hits a blooper about 15 feet toward the pitcher with lots of back spin. Runner slides into home plate with her feet clearly across home plate at the time the ball rolls back and hits her in her left side or arm, which are in fair territory. What's the call?


April 22, 2012
10:20:38 PM

Entry #: 3901359
Interference. Runner should be out.


April 23, 2012
1:45:23 AM

Entry #: 3901443
i don't see interference here. this is not a case of a runner scoring by running through the plate then entering fair ground and blocking the ball. i would equate it to a batted ball rolling back into a bat that was dropped and is stationary.

having said that, i didn't go to the book and could understand greg's thinking, so... i could be wrong! who has the rule to apply? great scenario!

Ron C.

April 23, 2012
7:00:18 PM

Entry #: 3902055
Run scores, and the ball remains live. My poorly educated guess.


April 23, 2012
8:54:51 PM

Entry #: 3902118
ok, i have posted this on another website and i think you got them stumped also. I think this is a wonderful example as you can apply a few different rules and not one really applies. So i would have to go with leave the play alone, runner scores and ball is in play.


April 24, 2012
6:51:21 PM

Entry #: 3902876
Run scores. Then the runner is hit with a fair batted ball. That has to be interference. The ball is dead and there has to be an out!


April 25, 2012
11:32:59 AM

Entry #: 3903284
Thinking about this more and i would have to agree with Allan. Runner on 3rd scores. Then you have interference. Then the runner closest to home is out.
But here is the question which i am not sure about. The runner is sliding into home and she is on home plate when she touches the ball. So is this interference or is it just a dead ball and the batter gets first base and runners advance if forced. Help! i am pulling my hair out on this one. THANKS KENDRA


April 26, 2012
5:21:27 PM

Entry #: 3904299
Run has to score. Then treat it like an on deck batter interference.


April 28, 2012
10:24:40 AM

Entry #: 3905111
RULING: Runner scores. Runner interferes. Ball is dead. Runner closet to home plate is out (in this instance, the batter would be out).
EXPLANATION: Again, runner slides home safely and scores. Home plate is never “occupied,” you score and that’s it. So the point about being in contact with home plate at the time of the interference has no bearing. The next part of the play, the runner that just scored interferes with a fair batted ball treat it as a runner that scored, and has now interfered with a defensive player’s opportunity to make a play on another runner (just like on deck batter interference, or retired runner interference). With the interference, the ball is dead and the runner closest to home plate would also be out. Again, for this play, it would be the batter-runner.


April 28, 2012
4:07:44 PM

Entry #: 3905200
Stumped me a good one on this one. I would have thought that the ball would remain live for some reason, but the ruling and your explanation make it clear. Challenging!


April 29, 2012
10:44:38 AM

Entry #: 3905444
Wow! What a brain-teaser!


April 29, 2012
1:05:03 PM

Entry #: 3905474
great explanation Bill. the part that threw me was addressed by your point that a runner does not occupy home plate. i was treating that as giving her immunity. so in the end, it's a simple interference call by a runner already scored. thanks to Kenda for submitting this one.

Mark W.

April 30, 2012
1:19:28 PM

Entry #: 3906298
Excellent play! Thanks for posting! Really makes you think.


April 30, 2012
10:07:59 PM

Entry #: 3906729
Normally I don't like to talk about plays that "never happen." But this play really makes you think. Discussions like this can help you to improve your "on-field" processing.


May 6, 2012
7:00:06 PM

Entry #: 3910163
Really made my "hamster" work overtime on this one! This is a really good play to talk about, because it brings the elements of several rules into play at the same time.


May 15, 2012
5:43:38 PM

Entry #: 3916235
this play really happened. i was the base ump for this brain teaser.


May 15, 2012
9:50:18 PM

Entry #: 3916368
I know that Kenda told me that somebody had asked her about it, but she never mentioned who, or if it was a real play. Please tell us how you ruled at the time, or at least the different rule scenarios that went through your mind.


June 13, 2012
4:51:18 PM

Entry #: 3931961
was there a fielder making a play, are hey condidered on a base if touching home and not passing it?


June 14, 2012
12:40:48 PM

Entry #: 3932382
Scroll up and read the ruling, Jim.


July 6, 2012
11:06:14 AM

Entry #: 3942171
what about rule 8, section 7, subsection k, batter runner is awarded 1st base, see notes on page 94. your play does not say that they intefered with a defensive players opportunity to make a play, which would then make for the batter runner to be out.


July 6, 2012
9:52:45 PM

Entry #: 3942431
You're reading way too much into it, Jack. She interferred with a fair batted ball, period. Since you're reading "between the lines," then assume this: the catcher was present and within the northern hemisphere boundaries.


July 11, 2012
4:31:57 PM

Entry #: 3944862
please define "base", not the physical description but it's meaning, read rule 8, section 8, m, before you poo poo, what is a four base award, does it include home plate?


July 12, 2012
5:47:03 PM

Entry #: 3945739
Read the RULING ABOVE, then maybe you'll see.


July 12, 2012
10:23:52 PM

Entry #: 3945850
You're making a mountain out of a mole hill, Jack. As a matter of fact, I'm not even sure what you're really talking about (including two others that asked to take a look). Just read Bill's explanation.


September 2, 2012
9:52:43 AM

Entry #: 3970929
being the base ump on this play, from my point of view i couldn't tell if the ball was fair or foul when it made contact. also i did not know if the runner had touched the plate before or after the ball contact. we discussed if the runner was hit by the fair batted ball before the touching of home. plate ump ruled fair ball, live, runner safe at home.


September 2, 2012
1:56:24 PM

Entry #: 3971018
Read the opening post! Kenda, through Bill, tells you all that you need to know! Or at least the way in which the question was posed to her.


October 8, 2013
11:40:45 AM

Entry #: 4096287
Had a similiar play like this happen to me this weekend. Really looks wierd when it happens. But it can happen


October 8, 2013
3:00:12 PM

Entry #: 4096358
Let's hear the details, Neal. I want the whole meal! Not just a bite!


October 9, 2013
9:52:35 AM

Entry #: 4096513
My play was runner on third and 2 outs. Batter hits the ball off of the plate with back spin. Runner runs home and the back foot of the runner hits the ball in fair territory as the other foot was touching home.
Not to exciting Perry, but very similiar to the example

Allan Weisberg

October 10, 2013
4:54:04 PM

Entry #: 4096847
I guess I have a different perspective on this, runner from third out, batter awarded first base. Same as a ground ball if runner was running home and got hit with a ground ball in fair territory.


October 11, 2013
8:42:56 AM

Entry #: 4096936
Allan: Once you score, YOU SCORE. And your run can't be taken away.

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