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Author TOPIC: Face Masks for Infielders
Al Clark

August 26, 2012
2:08:16 AM

Entry #: 3967479
Does your organization have an opinion on mandating the use of face masks for softball players to protect players from serious facial injuries?


October 7, 2012
10:09:42 PM

Entry #: 3990113
Yes, pitchers are required to wear face masks. It is not a requirement for other infielders. Am seeing more infielders purchasing them, though.


October 8, 2012
9:31:09 AM

Entry #: 3990210
Currently, ASA has no rule requiring the pitcher to wear a face mask. We follow ASA rules and do not impose our own safety rules. Independent Leagues can require their members to follow this type of requirement. So long as independent leagues requirements do not conflict with ASA rules, they would be allowed.


October 9, 2012
1:30:52 PM

Entry #: 3990885
Some of our umpires even don't wear a mask behind home plate.

Sorry but I had to add my 2 cents here. I am making fun of myself.


October 10, 2012
5:38:42 AM

Entry #: 3991113
Look at the umpire page! Neal was spotted wearing a mask behind home plate at a recent tournament, and it's captured on film!


October 11, 2012
10:19:42 AM

Entry #: 3991658
Al - will follow up with NJ ASA UIC. Bill is correct in stating that ASA does not have a mandatory policy for having to wear face masks in the field on defense.


October 12, 2012
1:25:58 PM

Entry #: 3992179
Just wanted to clarify my response. I know it isn't an ASA requirement for face masks. It's my local league's own requirement on face masks for pitchers.


October 12, 2012
6:32:28 PM

Entry #: 3992320
neal, i think you photo shopped that picture!! say it ain't so!

Bob M.

October 16, 2012
2:20:12 PM

Entry #: 3994127
I don't believe that there are any rules or standards for defensive player face masks. It would be nice to know if we should be concerned about any liability or anything, since more and more players, especially infielders are wearing them more and more.

Opa Ump

October 17, 2012
12:45:17 AM

Entry #: 3994590
ASA Rule 3-5-B addresses face masks for offensive and defensive Players. The only requirements are for the defensive catcher and the offensive batters and runners.


October 19, 2012
9:47:02 PM

Entry #: 3996346
Al - ASA NJUIC answer is no to any type of ASA softball mandate to the wearing of face mask. Al call me at your convience. -Hank Mc

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