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Author TOPIC: Wild Pitch/Player Leaves the Field
Mike F.

March 29, 2013
10:29:50 PM

Entry #: 4042842
Bases loaded, R1 on third, R2 on second, R3 on first. There is one out with a 1-1 count.
Wild Pitch. R3 advances to second, R2 advances to third. R1 stays on third. F2 retrieves the ball and throws to F3, who steps on first. F3 then throws the ball to F1 who is walking back toward the circle half way from home plate. F1 gets the ball and continues toward the circle without attempting to make a play of any kind. When F1 enters the circle, R1, who was occupying third base simultaneously with R2, leaves the field of play and enters the dugout. What are your rulings if any? And what is now the situation?


March 31, 2013
5:03:48 PM

Entry #: 4043055
I think that it should be runners on 2nd & 3rd, with two outs, and a 2-1 count

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