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Author TOPIC: interference during infield fly

April 21, 2013
8:48:51 PM

Entry #: 4049268
bases loaded 1 out. infield fly hit above first baseman. infield fly called as runner from first runs into first baseman. ball falls uncaught and rolls away allowing runner from 3rd to score. whats the call? run score? double play?

Steve S. - MASS ASA Umpire

April 21, 2013
10:12:17 PM

Entry #: 4049303
First, infield fly is called, and the batter is immediately out. Now, on top of that, you have interference on a runner causing the fielder to miss the ball. As soon as there is some kind of interference on the part of a base runner, it is immediately a dead ball, and there is always an out that comes along with the interference. As the ump, I will have a double play here. The batter is out on the infield fly, and the runner that ran into the first baseman trying to make a play on the ball will be called out as well.

bases loaded 1 out. infield fly hit above first baseman. infield fly called as runner from first runs into first baseman. ball falls uncaught and rolls away allowing runner from 3rd to score. whats the call? run score? double play?


April 21, 2013
10:34:42 PM

Entry #: 4049313
I'm sure just an oversight, but also, Steve, the runners from both second and third should be returned to their bases.

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