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Author TOPIC: Pitching
Chris S.

April 22, 2013
8:56:25 AM

Entry #: 4049374
The pitcher takes the pitcher's plate with the ball in her pitching hand and her hands apart. Her glove hand, however, is in front of her pitching hand, and obscuring the batter/umpires view of her pitching hand. Legal or illegal?

Ron C.

April 24, 2013
8:17:49 PM

Entry #: 4050430
What does it matter if you see the ball or not? The ball can be in the hand or in the glove. As long as the hands are separated, you're good to go.


May 9, 2013
10:07:14 PM

Entry #: 4055591
RULE 6-1-A.


May 10, 2013
1:40:03 PM

Entry #: 4055789
an unusual setup for the pitcher but legal as long as her hands are not touching. keep in mind, that means her glove hand is held out in front of her body, a rather uncomfortable position i would think, but legal. visible only by base umpire.

once hands come together then separate, pitch begins

another situation - i had a pitcher who swung both arms forward but did not touch, pulled both down past the hips, then forward again bringing them together, then separated them for the pitch. looks very weird but legal. this was in bound brook i've heard another one does this in del val. when in doubt, i don't call illegal until i see it again

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