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Author TOPIC: batter going all the way to 2B on a walk

May 6, 2013
1:33:38 PM

Entry #: 4054179
Scenario: Runner on 3B. Batter gets walked, touches first and continues running to 2B. Offense hopes defense makes a play on person at 2B so runner on 3B scores. I know that once the batter-runner starts heading to 2B, they have to continue on that path. However, once the defense makes a play on batter-runner, can the batter-runner get in a pickle? I assumed that batter-runner just doesn't have to run into a tag. Another coach thought the batter-runner would have to continue on the path even if the play was made on the batter-runner. Please clarify. Thanks.


May 7, 2013
8:58:28 AM

Entry #: 4054397
What you are asking is about is the lookback rule
Which is:
When a batter gets a hit or gets a base on balls, play is live until the pitcher has possession of the ball in the circle around the pitchers mound and the batter runner has reached first base.

Once possession is made, all runners may only stop once, but then must immediately return to the base or advance to the next base.

Failure to immediately return nonstop to the base or proceed to the next base will result in a runner being called out.

Once a runner stops at a base for any reason they will be declared out if they leave that base.

Exception: The runner will not be declared out if a play is made on her or another runner. (A fake throw is considered a play)

Also note that the runner on third can be called out for the lookback rule even though the batter/runner has taken off for second and the pitcher makes no attempt to put out that runner.

Hope this helps


May 7, 2013
10:06:27 AM

Entry #: 4054424
So if the pitcher makes a play on the batter/runner headed to 2B, at that point the batter/runner can turn around and head back to 1B? And since the ball is live again, the runner on 3B can try to score?


May 7, 2013
2:53:31 PM

Entry #: 4054576
Correct, once the pitcher makes a play or fakes making a play that action cancels out or nullifies the look back rule.


May 9, 2013
8:14:14 PM

Entry #: 4055546
Remember, the runner at third can not be called out on the look back rule until the batter/runner touches 1st base. Also the batter runner gets one stop after rounding 1st base, and then must immediatly decide and move or get called out.


May 9, 2013
9:37:34 PM

Entry #: 4055579
Once the pitcher makes a play, all bets are off. If there's a play, the runner can continue to run, stop, return, or the same thing all over again.

Mike F

May 11, 2013
9:47:44 AM

Entry #: 4055968
If the pitcher makes no attempt on any runner the batter-runner can go all the way to 2nd base, Stop just before the base and return to 1st base with no penalty. Her one stop can be anywhere.

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