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Author TOPIC: Can you change this call?

November 16, 2013
7:39:58 PM

Entry #: 4104934
Please go to BILL'S FUN PAGE. Scroll down to COOL LINKS, and then click on the video "FOUL TO DOUBLE." In softball, can a base umpire call a ball foul, and then have the call reversed to a double by the plate umpire?

Bob M.

November 17, 2013
10:34:57 AM

Entry #: 4105007
I say that you can't change it. It's like calling a strike on a swing. Once you call the strike, you don't go to your partner for help, because you obviously saw something to determine that the batter offered. It's only when you call a ball, do you ask for help. So if you call it foul, it must have been foul.


November 18, 2013
1:34:38 PM

Entry #: 4105261
I don't think that you have quite the same scenario of which you speak, Bob M. The base umpire, in an attempt to "save himself," kind of took himself out of the play and didn't see a thing because he got spun around. As a result, his partner (the plate umpire) was just coming to his rescue to try to get the call right.


November 20, 2013
5:28:55 AM

Entry #: 4105566
If the plate umpire clearly saw it hit fair, I think that it should be corrected. You always want to get it right.


November 20, 2013
1:09:09 PM

Entry #: 4105632
foul ball is a dead ball immediately. cannot be changed. players stop playing, batter stops running and trying to 'fix' this could be very difficult.... not to mention create a firestorm. [impossible to know if runner would have stumbled or throw goes out of play for example]

if ball is ruled fair and base umpire calling decides to ask for help after the play ends then partners meet, discuss and make ruling. it's possible base umpire is blocked by a fielder and correcting this only adds a strike and brings the batter back to hit

Ron C.

November 24, 2013
8:36:02 AM

Entry #: 4106133
In softball, once you make the call of foul ball, I'm believing that changing it would not be in the best interest of the game. Emphatically, no! Do not change the call!

Jimmy D.

November 26, 2013
10:07:39 PM

Entry #: 4106620
I'll throw my two-cents in. It's a foul ball, and should remain foul.


December 8, 2013
7:57:40 PM

Entry #: 4107685
I would think that since the umpire "on the spot" called it foul, that it should remain foul.


December 9, 2013
9:22:47 AM

Entry #: 4107737
Foul ball.

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