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Author TOPIC: runners between bases

November 17, 2013
12:57:58 PM

Entry #: 4105022
PLAY - R1 occupies first base with no outs when B2 hits a pop fly to short right field. R1 holds up halfway between first and second as B2 rounds first base.F0 fields the ball on one bounce and fires towards first base to play on B2.At the time of F9'S throw ,both R1 ANS B2 are between first and second as the errant throw enters dead - ball territory near first base.
What is the correct ruling?


November 18, 2013
6:36:34 PM

Entry #: 4105326
Runners on second and third


November 19, 2013
6:43:42 AM

Entry #: 4105408
Two runners between the same bases on an overthrow, then you go by the lead runner. Runners should be on third and second.


November 19, 2013
7:45:32 PM

Entry #: 4105539
I agree with Allan and Greg. Runners on third and second.

Ron C.

December 7, 2013
7:53:13 AM

Entry #: 4107572
Allan, Greg, and Perry, all have it right. Runners on third and second.


December 7, 2013
9:48:26 AM

Entry #: 4107577
RULING- The ball is dead. When two runners are between first and second the award is based on the lead runner. R1 is awarded two bases from her position at the time of the throw- third base.B2 receives one base because giving two bases would create an illegal award of three bases on an overthrow. (ASA 8- 5G Effect)


December 9, 2013
5:57:45 AM

Entry #: 4107717
Good posting, Hank. This actually happens a handful of times each year, for probably just about every umpire.

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